Gaming time - the riddle -

Do I have to be victimized twice?

yes, seems to be…lives hard nowerdays…lol :joy:

So if nobody want´s to gamble on ( @samuel_the_leader it was ya part), I join the gambling fraction, heres the new riddle

it is red or violett…
it is usually liquid…
it goes real good with meat…
an easy one for the death forum tonight


yeah Robert got it, it was easy, wasn´t it @the_termin8r1

I travel all over the world, but always stay in my corner. What am I?

Peripheral vision?

no :confused:

An apex?

no :see_no_evil:

I’ll give a hint… For some geeks out there, this is a serious collectible item.

Dignity? :stuck_out_tongue:


Welll… No :stuck_out_tongue:

Two walls? :laughing: maybe the geek you speak of is an architecture geek :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I couldn’t think of an answer so I googled it, I know what it is but I’ll let somebody else answer.

tsk tsk… Well it’s another kind of geeky thing, let’s just say it like that then :stuck_out_tongue:

A tardis toy?

Nope, try again.

Here’s another hint: they’re not that big and sometimes you need more of them.

so I try, but more to ask "where the f+++++++ h+++ is this unicorn-poop-queen @gatsie, think we all missing ya
and the answer: Internet-jumper

Wow, 19 days. Since @Gatsie isn’t here should I give the answer?

why do ya think you knew it?

I know because I googled it before when I used up my guesses.