Forum Tools (For our new siblings)

Great, thanks. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @IronSoldier16, @the_termin8r, @derek and @discobot
Now I know were to look when I’m lost :upside_down_face:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

You organised it real well dude. That would be helpful to all newbies :slight_smile:

This is really outdated now, but might have some useful stuff you may have missed that you could copy/paste over


Hi, can you tell me what this is about with this making words invisible? I’m new here and I never heard of this. Thank you very much!!!

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Hello and welcome on forum! :smile: :sun_with_face:

In this forum you have to write more than 10 characters for the system to let you post… usually we write more than that, but there are some games where you don’t need to write much (like “last letter” game); in that case just put random letters between these two arrows < > , no symbols/spaces/punctuation.
Like this: < dgkoigrewq > (but with no spaces)

Glad to be of help! :blush:

EDIT: the reason why we do like that is because it’ll make the words/letters invisible,but still counts for the characters… :grin:


Great! Thank you very much!!! :kissing_heart:

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You’re welcome! :grin: :hugs:

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Welcome, @linkinisa :slight_smile:

Hi, everything ok? :relaxed:

All good on my side, you?

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welcome @linkinisa Hope you time here :slight_smile:

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I don’t entirely remember making a second topic, but I just stumbled across this. Most of this one seems more up to date and most of the images still work, so this would be better suited to take from if anything is missing still


Thank you, I’m trying to get in more and more. Slowly I get into it. Maybe I will come back to you whit questions later if I have difficulties. Thank you for everything. Wish you a good time. Big hug, isa


Thank you very much. I’m getting into it here more and more. I hope you are doing well! I wish you a good time, isa :revolving_hearts:


Welcome @linkinisa and any other new members I might have missed! :blush:

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Hi Rick!
Nice to meet you​:wink:. I wish you a good day :blush::sunny::hibiscus:


Thank you! I am doing quite well :smiley: where are you from? Having a good sunday?