Forum Tools (For our new siblings)

Maybe… if you follow those off-topic threads. Again they are designed for discussing what YOU are doing not really Linkin Park stuff or questions/opinions. I’m starting to think, hey, maybe nobody wants to discuss Linkin Park on a Linkin Park forum. Figures. :pensive:

I love that word!

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I guess you’re seeing the wrong topics. Yeah lately we don’t talk about LP as we used to, but some people still doing it. I mean, some games, some artworks, etc are based in LP.

Maybe start a discussion about a fact of LP that isn’t so common and at the same time interesting could be the answer. I don’t know :man_shrugging:

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There’s only so much you can discuss :grimacing: the guys get pretty boring after a while :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I be the titanic captain waiting for the wave of :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: for saying that :joy:

At least I got one thing to your liking :joy:

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These are the exact types of discussions that deserve their own topics. They seem like lasting ideas that people can come back to or join in on as they please. If you have mini-discussions like this in a single topic, one that has passed is going to be difficult to go back to or talk about without several conversations happening at once.

Are you referring to the Discord server that I made? Because that isn’t exactly dead and seems like a weird thing to bring up

This is something that I’ve noticed as well. It’s hard to say “stop being kind to each other and having friendly conversation” but topics get way off topic too often


Recruit rob for that purpose only lol


I feel like some people might be hungry (or desperate?) for something new from Linkin Park co. (news, music etc etc) to keep things interesting around here since the band is in a state of inactivity.

I’ve never really liked how this version of the message boards is formatted, either. I often refer to the old vBulletin boards (pre-LPUX). The categories were more prominent, and there were more sub-categories, and those forums (in a layout sense) were more cleaner and easier to navigate.

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I miss the old forums.

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For me, I actually would like more talking about LP music, album, songs, lyrics. But for one, I was comfortable to have it in the what are you doing topic.
And second, still not sure if I want to participate more, cause my thoughts and feelings on this matters are very personal, private and not for open judgement.
And I prefer to keep my mouth shut, as to get my thoughts disassembled.

This for example is such a hard judgement.
The active people there may be even younger then here and consequently live things differently, but to call them dead?
And it for sure not respects the work @jFar920 puts in there.

Just wonder why? :upside_down_face:

@lplove if you see this post, I think it still works to change the image :slightly_smiling_face:

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Er, dead as in inactive. I did go on discord a few times and hardly anyone talking or actively there. To be fair I didn’t stay long! I don’t have a clue how that’s disrespectful.

So I think there was a bit of confusion. Someone tagged @here (sending a notification to everyone who is online) on the LPLive Discord so I went to check what it was about and noticed you were chatting on there. I figured you were referring to the one I created, but it doesn’t seem like you’re a member on it

Sorry, I used the discord someone on here referred me to (either @anna834or @the_termin8r sent me a link months back). Didn’t mean to send everyone a notification or even that I could :woozy_face:. Also, didn’t have a clue who created it as I’m pretty new here and there was no offense intended.

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Def not me, I haven’t set foot in there for ages. :joy:

Me neither. I just linked Jordans discord link

Someone from here gave me the link - think it was one of you two as you respond most often.

Has someone added the new features?

What new features?

I don’t remember well, but you shared a screenshot of @theearlywalker when you where looking for something.

That’s the profile mute. You’re welcome to add it, I can’t be bothered and it is your thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ahh I didn’t know it.