For the petrolheads

Just watched the S3E1 of TGT, good episode. Though ALL of those muscle cars were idiotic, and the Demon finally won a drag race. :joy:

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:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream: it’s out?! :joy::scream::scream::scream::scream::heart_eyes:

Yeah, good episode, they took a Mustang RTR, Demon and Exorcist to Detroit. The Senna was on test.

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I know what I’m watching tonight :grin:
Too much american muscle for you then? :sweat_smile:

No surprisingly, I don’t hate muscle cars, I like them superficially and in bursts. Like the Exorcist, totally stupid car, but it looks amazing. On another note, the camera crew are really underappreciated, their work is top.


Lol tell that to the camera guy that almost got run over by the new top gear crew a couple years ago :joy::joy::joy:

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I loved that episode, been watching top gear non stop because I knew that the grand tour was coming back soon.

My favourite would have to be the Ford, Chevy and the Dodge in that order. Also, speaking outside of cars, I loved the musicians that they brought up. When Jezza said Alice Cooper Corner, I couldn’t stop laughing.

Overall, 10/10

Can’t wait for the special next week. :+1::+1::+1::heart::heart::metal::metal:

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A lot if them weren’t from Detroit, but still within Michigan.

Just watched both episodes of the Colombia special, got some seriously laughs out of me, great pair of episodes.

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One of my favourite specials and in my top 5 specials from both Top Gear and The Grand Tour combined.

It was good, but not THAT good. The Vietnam, Nile, Bolivia, USA, Polar, Winter Olymics and East Coast road trip specials are all better than it (to name a few off the top of my head).

It’s good because of the scenery (and to be honest, I did not expect Columbia to have such spectacular scenery) and I do love the humour in the Columbia special.

I’ll admit, the scenery was top, loved the volcano.

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Anyone watched The Grand Tour recently or played the game??

Not interested in the game, the pickup episode I didn’t like, today’s episode was amazing.

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This week’s episode of TGT was awesome.

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:persevere: I’m behind :persevere:
I’ve enjoyed this season as far as I’ve watched though :smiley:

Certainly one of the best throughout the whole of The Grand Tour.

Also, I watched the Botswana special last night which I enjoyed.

This Ferrari has seen some sh*t.