For the petrolheads

Schumacher is a great driver too and that ski crash was rather ironic. He has one of the most dangerous jobs on earth and then nearly kills himself skiing. I still think Senna is better in terms of skill but if Senna was around as long as Michael I reckon they would have been neck and neck.

@Gatsie That’s a motorbike

Oops, I just now see the motor part behind the shoe. :sweat_smile:

How about this one then?

what the hell is this thing???

kill it before it lays eggs!

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I think I’d be claustrophobic in that… thing.

Looks like a maggot

Wait 'til you see the peel p50

Damn… and I thought Smarts were bad.

More claustrophobia lol

Why? Just, why??!

Great topic compliment @the_termin8r1

It’s mods like these that drive me mad. Why would you put a smile on an MX5? Speaking of Japanese cars, the only one I like is the 2005 NSX-R. The new one is a poor man’s P1/918/LaF

I’ve expressed my hate for a couple of car makes now it’s your turn guys, release the hate. Also, I’d like to mention that I don’t like the Veyron either.

How about this for a japanese car then? :stuck_out_tongue:


The car that peek-at-you

It’s too cute of a car! haha

it´s this pikatchu isn´t it, lol these manga thing lol haha @gatsie

A car for the real petrolheads :wink:

Yeah real cool, so called “old school” lol :joy: that´s my league
kiinda cool also this…,pd=1/lamborghini-countach-lp5000s-qv.jpg

wooow, that so italian :smiley: