For the petrolheads

Such an underrated car. I still prefer the Camaro over it though.

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Same here, though the best classic car is still the Jag XJ13 IMO

so it is, but I can´t vote against my italian roots…
ot looks a lil like thunder, hi @EvoOba btw, party tonight? That´s good, hope you´ll enjoy…lol works done for me this weekend, have to regain my lost sleep of the weeks…but I´m happy…lol freeeeeeee time…:sparkler:

Nope, not going to any parties. Thanks anyways though. Enjoy your weekend.

Oh than Ii missunderstood the post, thought like out for weekend means party,
oh btw, the code of conduct alarms me not to answer too often on this topic, lol, but let´s change anyways if you´re in the mood of conversation @evooba, lol :smirk:

No, I don’t do parties in general. I’m just going to a sleepover.

yeah, the italians have one of the strongest roots :slight_smile:

Lol, if anyone ever invites me over for a sleepover you better have a separate room for me or be prepared to have your skull nailed to your own bedroom door. I CANNOT share a room with anyone. So you can imagine how hard it was to fight the urge to slaughter the 5 people I was sharing a room with on my geography field trip in high school :laughing:

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650S LM

Or 650S Can-am?

wow great collection @the_termin8r1 :relaxed:

These aren’t mine lol. I was just asking which version you guys preferred, the LM or Can-am?

Talking about car, Does anyone who follows Formula 1? If yes, what team or driver you support?:grin:

I do… well, did. Schumacher retiring was the end for me. Hamilton and Vettel and Alonso are not interesting.

Schumi will always be the best, he’s the legend in our era. When he retired, I just support Ferrari, no favorit driver until I met Jules Bianchi, that time he was Ferrari test driver. When he’s gone, personally, I support Sebastian Vettel.

F1 is just boring now. They’re using tiny 1.6L engines. I’m biased to McLaren even though I don’t follow F1. WRC is far more interesting and requires far more skill.

This is my car, except slightly more yellow and in much worse condition. It’s '92 Roadmaster. Really want to try to fix it up a bit, at least get a new Buick symbol on the front, as mine broke off

a so called ami- here in Germany how much does he or she drinks on a 100 miles? And has the car a name? LOL @TripleXero

I’m guessing the MPG / economy is pretty shonky. Also I’m guessing that thing is running a V6 or V8 (more likely the latter) with a capacity between 3 or 4L. Am I right @TripleXero?

Yeah the gas milage is pretty bad, and it’s a V8. Also no muffler because it rides so low to the ground and is so long it was knocked off


Wow @the_termin8r1 - laughing so hard!! such a visual of the skulls on the door coz of a sleepover:joy:

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