For the petrolheads

wow, how does it feel to owe such a car, have the everyday comfort to drive it [massage seats with heading is serial in this class] and the views of ppl, if you come out off it / go into it

Yeap! That sext piece of engineering…

are you engeneering in the cars´sector? @Jabin_Quaken, and did ya hugged @coon real tight tonight? hugs to ya both, :kissing_closed_eyes:

Nope. I’m nothing close to the engineering. Precision is not my point. And yes, I came home five minutes ago and hugged her right away. Thanks for asking and hug back.

love causes sun, sun causes love, who know what was first, but, as I feel, I get epic, and this surley not the place, hope sm day we can manage to meet, and @coon, my inbox´s waiting for ya…:two_women_holding_hands:

I just discovered a mad 3L V6 that Jag are making. It has 700 Nm of of torque that’s the same as the current top end Mclaren (the 675). But then again it is a diesel however, 700 Nm is a huge number.

Have you searched for a pic? I hate the trend of making cross-overs btw. Bentley, Porsche, Maserati. Nooooo. Stop that!

I just meant the engine. Otherwise I hate the F pace

Am I the only one who thinks this new Abarth looks brilliant?

Saw this was for sale. Anyone interested?

It does. Though it’d prefer it if the hood wasn’t carbon. But yeah, surprisingly it looks awesome!

I dunno… reminds me of some strange hybrid of Aston Martin and Jag.

Looks not bad but not one that I trully like.

Aparently this is an electric car?

That’s the new bumblebee by the looks of it (a black and yellow chevy) :laughing:

What was their design inspiration, a helmet? It looks ghastly.

I first thought it was some sort of modern looking portapotty.

it is really getting crazy, these new designs, but lol in the 5th element [movie] it was a utopia, nowerdays these “vehicles” become real, funny development…future is right now, :smile:

Nothing crazy or wow but this morning, I got to ride in a RX8. I always liked that car but never found myself in one.

The fifth element wasn’t a Utopia it was just the future.

lol i haven’t been in many good cars. The sportiest car I’ve sat in was a tesla model s and I hated it. Way too small at the back. My head was toughing the roof beam and my knees were in my eye sockets.

And what was the worst car you’ve been sitting in?

A Citroen Xara (we’ve had several as courtesy cars whilst ours has gone for an MOT).

Cars I remember being in: CAUTION MEGA POST

Mk 2 Golf - My family’s first car in this country. It had badly tinted windows, a crumpled rear left or right (I can’t remeber exactly) buttock and a stupid aftermarket exhaust but my dad bought it because my sister was close to being born and he needed a car.

Citroen Xantia - Our second car. This one had faulty suspension orbs which made the car bounce at random intervals as you were driving along so my dad had to replace them (it had hydraulic suspension).

Peugeot 406 - Some clown crashed into my dad at a junction hence why we had to get rid of it.

Another 406 - This one had a missing radio and a noisy diesel and had to be parked on slopes in case it couldn’t start (which was very often). My dad go this one as a temporary replacement for the previous one.

Citroen C5 Mk1 - This was the one that took us to europe twice. It’s speedo broke so my dad had to estimate speeds then the cam belt went (which is pretty much a small disaster as the the camshafts are no longer connected to anything). But what killed it was unknown but what I do know is that judging by the way the car was shaking on tick-over it felt like a broken engine bracket. I’d actually formed an emotional attachment to this one.

C5 Mk 2 - This one was actually killed by the mechanic. The clutch had gone for the 3rd time in 1 month and my dad had taken it to get fixed when the 4 post jack gave way killing the car and nearly killing the guy.

C5 Mk 3 - This is out current car and by far the best. Ours is red.

Other cars:
-Audi A4 (1994 - 2001 model) it belonged to a friend of my dad’s

-Audi A6 (~2005) this was my dad’s friend’s. It’s constantly going wrong (more so that our Citroens) but it’s a good car.

-Citroen Xara - Terrible in every way

-Citroen C4 Cactus - Another courtesy car, this looks decent form outside but feels like riding around in a lunchbox.

-Peugeot 107 (The Peugeot version of a Citroen C1 or @The_early_walker 's Toyota Aygo). This was yet another courtesy car. This wasn’t actually too bad. The seats were a little narrow but that’s to be expected.

-Mitsubishi space star - This was a courtesy car from the guy that killed out car. It wasn’t as shonky as you’d think.

-BMW 5 series (the model before the current one) - It belonged to a school friend’s dad though I can’t remember a thing about it because I wasn’t in it for long and it was some years ago.

-VW Polo (both the really old one and the one that was a couple of models ago). Can’t remember much of either.

-An old Nissan Prairie - This was our car in Bulgaria (I still think we have it). I remember taking really long trips to the sea side as a kid in the summer with no A/C. It’s been stolen before and it’s been in a crash too. ours was white.

-Opel Rekord (the one just before the Omega came out) - Apparently we had one in Bulgaria when I was a baby. According to my dad it had aftermarket wheels that got stolen.

-Hyundai i40 - They had a test drive day where they were giving out free safari park entry for a day to anyone who applied. It’s leg room was beyond belief. I had no less than 40cm at my feet and that was only a few years back.

Cars I’ve just sat in:
-Citroen DS3
-Tesla model S

I might have missed one or two.

Now that I’ve typed it out I can see that I’ve actually been in a fair few cars. Though to be honest it didn’t seem like much in my head.