For the petrolheads

Maybe odd for this topic, but look how much care the owner pays to this VW

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I can always respect a good owner regardless of the car. Especially when they use the car on a daily basis. Not like classic car collectors that clean a wheel for 3 hours, then go to the next, and then when they finish, they start cleaning the same wheels again though.

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Every time I hate french cars ever more…

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this looks like the car in a mobilehome, for fun during exploring the sourrounding…a play-car :relaxed:

Mike and Joe are taking part in AMG’s Driving Academy event in Sweden today and I’m jealous.

what an adventure, and they get spirit and adrenaline to move on in studios [ but I´m jealous too, it´s also cool this superstar life, all the opportunities…lol @evooba :heart_eyes:]

This is something I always wanted to do, it’s so damn cool. I’m glad they get to experience it.

YES totally agree, the pic shows him so damn lucky…nice share

I don’t know how many race tracks there are in Greece but you can always buy a track day. You pay a certain amount of money to blast around a track in your car or a car they give you depending on the package.

Yeah I know, I meant in the snow though.

Dad used to go and race, it wasn’t that expensive back then.

Today I was waiting for the bus and some old guy drove past me in some crappy old proton and as he did so he gave me the fingers for some reason :laughing: Maybe it was because I was waiting for a bus but his car wasn’t much better than a bus.

think for sure he read in ya face what you thought right this moment, and it´s his baby???lol :smiley:

I doubt it. I can keep a straight face really well.

lol, you think, but do ya have a mirror always with you? Mot ppl think their face tells nothing and it´s even straight diverse…

I know because people keep mentioning it.

ok [:slight_smile::grinning::grin::joy::smiley::smile::sweat_smile::laughing::innocent:, the whole bunch you got me again laughing to hysteria]
at @the_termin8r1

@the_termin8r1 Wow, some people…

Today I was surprised cause a driver let me cross the road, he knew I had priority and casually let me cross. This never happens here, drivers fail at following basic rules.

I always feel a clown when I cross the road. Mainly because I hate pedestrians that take forever to cross and don’t say thanks. That’s why I say thanks and sprint across.

Then there was that time when two people stopped so I could cross at a crossing I said thanks by waving then as I got to the middle of the crossing the retard on the far end decided to floor it and nearly ran me over.

Couple of days ago saw this thing on the street. Quite unusual for Kyiv. Didn’t suppose to see it in my lifetime… liked it.

I love the Weismann I’ve always wanted to see one.