We are sleeping yet :smile:

Your guessing turned to “carpet-bombing” lol.
Now I think about the scissors. They are left-handed. @the_termin8r1 are you using them?

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ot so hug my dear @coon, if shes awake…@Jabin_Quaken [I think Rob is left handed]

He is, he already mentioned it…

hey @samuel_the_leader :stuck_out_tongue:, do you have any idea, what the odd maybe?

F*** it I have no f***ing idea…

lol looks like the real slim shady, lol :joy:

It is lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think your joy-ride now is real great @the_termin8r :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Not the screwdriver

Not the electrical tape, no.

Nope, those are my left scissors

Nope, nothing missing. The original problem was a break in the wire.

What do you mean by that? The bits of the disassembled ear cup are the ear cup shell, the transducer and the cushion.

Yes, they are and I was using them to trim the annoying insulator thread thing inside the wire.

Ok since you lot seem to have given up I’ll tell you.

It was the circular piece of paper between my headphone stand and pen pot. I wasn’t using it for the headphones. I was using it to check an estimated diameter of a piece of Lego that I couldn’t measure with a ruler.

@The_early_walker you go next.

Ahahah. That was the only thing that left unasked. :smile:

Well this sure kept everyone occupied didn’t it? Cannot wait to see for the next odd one out :stuck_out_tongue:

So finally hi dear, he let usall know…1+ for mr @the_termin8r1 the_termin8r1, but you forgot to tag sbd going on, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

He has tagged you already.

oh sry didn´t saw it, have to get a real niceone, and then it appears, ok, I have to guess now, Rob setted the target real high, nearly unbreakable…machine man at last lol

this second one counts guys, so…CHOOSE THE ODD ONE OUT::::

The phone?

NO that would have been too easy, I need it to get newest news…from somewhere…lol

Hah! The kitchen surface is just the same as in my parent’s house! Da high five!

Maybe it’s that cigerettes? You don’t smoke in the kitchen, do you?

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It’s either the odd tile with the tea pot on it or the heart shaped bottle.

I forgot ab the detectives here, yeah, the cigarettes, and NO I don´t smoke at the house/in the house, so, mea nobody, @Jabin_Quaken it´sya turn again, let´s all try to make it, lol :stuck_out_tongue: