Checking in with everyone

Hey all!

I couldn’t find out where to post this message so I’ve picked the back room. I want to ask you all something. How are you? How are you feeling today? Are you coping with everything?

I’m from the UK, the home of heavy metal, that should give you a clue as to where. The UK is currently in lockdown, as I imagine is most of the world.
I’m finding it really hard going, im struggling to fill my day. The place I work in retail has closed so I have nothing really to do.
My sleeping pattern has gone totally out of whack so it’s 3am here and I’m lying in bed with my dog, she’s called Jess, she’s my baby, with my headphones in listening to A Thousand Suns. (Currently on Robot Boy).

I hope you’re all okay. If you ever need a chat or a friend, I’ll be here.

-Audrina image


I’m 3 days away from not leaving the house in exactly a month and I’m perfectly fine :joy:. Still printing away for the NHS and have barely put a dent in the list of things I still need to catch up on and do. My sleep pattern is business as usual, going to bed at 04:00 and waking up at around 12:00. lol


Welcome you again @Audrina87 :blush::sunny::sunny::sunny: - we have the “What are you doing” thread where most of us post, how we are… it’s a kinda “daily routine” for a lot of the regulars and frequent posters…

However, thanx for your share- I’m ok- kinda like Rob- I enjoy that everything is slowed down and still have a to do list going on… :sweat_smile::grinning: wishing you the best


I’m doing exactly the same @the_termin8r, Last night I got to sleep at 5am and got up at midday.
I have a long term health condition and it’s currently got me in a metaphorical headlock. I’m just in so much pain. :tired_face:



Ouch, mine’s only a bad habit becasue of uni. Sleep is a luxury as an engineering student. Hope you’re doing fine now.


Sorry for this…
But what the fuck is wrong with people??? 4 weeks at home and they collectivly go nuts… Jeeezzz
I’m in quarantine mode for years now and you guys can’t even handle 4 weeks???
From what I’ve seen these last weeks, a quarantine brings out the best in some but mostly it brings out the worst… it’s disgusting what I’ve seen, egoists and hypocrits…
I’m glad I haven’t been part of “society” in a very long time…


I’m sorry if I’ve angered or enraged you, my friend. I simply started the post because I was feeling low and hopeless with regards to the current situation and I was looking for a sympathetic ear.
The reason I’m struggling is that I’ve had six operations since 2011, my most recent operation was on the 17th February of this year and it feels like my pain is coming back already.
The only person I’ve had a face-to-face conversation recently is my 70 year old Aunt with dementia.

I had hoped I could just chat to some like minded people and feel better.

Thank you.



I was insane long before this, it’s also why I said I was fine before. :joy:

But seriously, this hasn’t affected me, it’s business as usual as far as I’m concerned.


It’s ok.
We are here.
And really, don’t take @Fravaco :heart: words personal.


Same for me


Please, don’t mind me… And don’t take this personally…
I wasn’t talking to you directly, it was more in a general way… I can be harsh at times in the things that I say. That’s only because I notice every day that today’s people, with all their talk about how social and caring they are, in the end they only care about themselves. I see people ignoring the rules constantly without even giving a thought about others. It has become a competition on social media to show how tired they are with the quarantine. And at the same time they keep ignoring how their behavior could possibly hurt the lesser fortunate. All because they think that they are such “heroes” for staying at home for a few weeks.
It’s not that hard.I’ve been living like that since 2006. My body’s a wreck, my immune system is death trap in today’s conditions and this won’t change for the rest of my life… It’s not even really about the complaining of people, it’s that they can’t even hold on for 4 weeks without feeling the need to bend and break the rules and bringing people like me in danger. I know already npw that if I would catch the virus, it would be lethal for me. So I can become very angry when are threatening my life like that. My wife works in a hospital and the stories I’ve heard about what’s going on there these days are horrific. And then those fuckers play with their, but most importantly, with other people’s lives.:rage:
So please don’t take my words personally, they weren’t directed to you…
I understand that it can be hard to not be able to seek confort and strength by talking to others… It’s not something I need most of the times but I do understand. And you are in the right place to find that here… Be sure of that… Everyone here cares… It’s just a pity that you bumped into the frustrated asshole that I can be at times… Sorry for that.
Just,… Hold on… Because, all this, it’s temporarily, things will go better soon… :heart:


I just thought of an example (sorry, here I go again)
This is exactly what I’ve been trying to say…
In most countries it has become a habit to applaude for the health carers, today’s real heroes. My wife can get so angry at that…
Because the whole applauding is just another hype… Everyone does it because everyone does it. Not because they care, no, they want to show how “good” they are, how “involved” they are.
Well, what we see are people applauding but then we see those same people ignoring every safety rule in the book the very next day. That’s not being supportive, that’s pure egocentric behavior… “let’s show the world how much we care, as long it’s filmed and shared on social media and tv” That’s how they think, how they act is a whole different story… It’s utterly disgusting :nauseated_face:
And, I know that not everyone is like that, but it takes only one to infect others and to start the whole mess again from scratch…

Yep, what she says :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’d better stay away again… Back for a week and I’m already messing things up again… :roll_eyes:


Stop taking things personal! :triumph:
. :crazy_face: :kissing_heart:


Not taking anything personal… Just an observation… My people’s skills are way off lately…
You good?


Yeah, and?
Already thought yesterday, you would take this as a reason to leave again.
But be sure, you are not doing this for us, just for yourself.

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Sorry, little bit grumpy.
Just got out of a really bad dream of suffocating. Had run to the bathroom, just couldn’t breath.
Fucking nightmares.
And no, I have no good reason for them.


I’m not leaving again… Yet…
But I’m not people’s best friend these days…


You never were :kissing_heart:


What? Leaving? Of course that’s for myself… I need to protect me from myself once in a while…


Can you work these days? Or are the sheep on lockdown also?

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