Chat Room (TLPTV2)

I already had the story but no character name. I wasn’t planning on giving him a name… but actually think he needs one for when he interacts with a human for the first time :laughing: that’s all I’m saying.

Islands are cool too, but I don’t like hot places either. My type of area is very mountainy with shelter from extreme weathers and flowing water nearby.

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Because you are moving? :face_with_monocle: I’m very nosy you know, this topic is a free for all :smiling_imp::stuck_out_tongue: so spill the beans hereeeeee lol

I’m not moving… er, my comment was more about this site. I suppose it just depends how much LP related stuff occurs between now and Spring. Or something like that. Are those beans sufficient? I don’t want to block up threads with my nonsense!

I didn’t know they were in hs at first. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I figured it out once they started talking like… well, hs boys, if that makes any sense.

Hahahahahaha, fruity? Oh not this 1 particular kid. I specifically asked why he almost punched his friend…

Bc he pushed me 1st, I hit my head and I got man. It makes me a man.

I was dumbfounded. Like omfg., lol.

Yes, I do have you guys. :hugs::smiley:

Yea, he’s alright, lol. :purple_heart:

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Ahhhhh :confused: bummer…
I hope you find reasons to stay :slightly_smiling_face:
I’ve said before I like speaking to you as much as anyone else =] who cares if it isn’t about LP

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Ohhhh lol
See that’s my kinda guy LOL

I miss the dudes I hung out with in high school :confused:
I try hanging out with them now but they like other stuff lol we don’t hit it off the same way lol
Maybe I haven’t matured the way they have :exploding_head:

Did he say I got man or I got mad? Lol :rofl:

Oh he said it made him a man.

He got so mad at his friend, he almost punched his friend in the face but noticed his friend was almost crying so he punched the wall instead

Yea, once ya graduate hs, those friendships are difficult to maintain. Unless ya go to the same college and end up living in the same general area or meet up 1x/year or something.

Really?!? :thinking:

Ok losing faith in the future again lol

yesterday you said you we’re gone! :rofl:
I juuuuust said yesterday you were the exception :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok…that shiny apparel kicked you down a notch :stuck_out_tongue:

True… everyone goes off and does their own thing
I’m always working and was always the one moving fam around so not a whole lot of time to coincide with their time off

Ah,… What can I say… Sins of the young
It were different times then…
Back in the day, it was normal…
Need any more excuses from an old man :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And btw… It were STAGE clothes… I didn’t walk like that on the streets…

Lol no no,
To be fair I’m prolly just a tad bit jelly lol
How you doin today?
Bro I think we did scare @hasaway :grimacing:

I’m sorry :confused:

Meh it’s no problem :upside_down_face:
You learn to be open to anyone you bump into lol

Been better, been worse… So, rather good today…

As long as the band is still going on :grin: no, really, you think?
Btw, the band… Why aren’t they here on LPU? :sunglasses:

Maybe we shouldn’t come on so strong next time :thinking: uh… Nah :roll_eyes: Weren’t we an army? And what do they do with new recruits in the army? They get baptised… So, let’s consider it that :grin::grin::grin:

Fuck! :confounded: I just noticed I lost my “regular” status…