Chat Room (TLPTV2)

Can’t ask for more :ok_hand:t3:
You’re here so I’ll count it as a positive :grin:

They realized what a mistake it would be to become involved with the likes of us and bailed :persevere:

True! @hasaway we think they should interact with their #1 and #2 fans! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

More like I sense there won’t be a next time because I will be restricted to my own thread zoo cage after this :grimacing:

:rofl: baptized not exorcised which is closer to what we do
Reverse exorcise? :thinking::grimacing:

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:thinking: @jFar920 instead of me asking to be a half mod/batman title, is there a chance you could fix this? :pray:t2: This guy is a regular as health permits :triumph: one of us through and through :fist:t3:

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No, no… No need to make exceptions for me… I’ll just have to earn it back…

Why? You had comments on it?
No one can restrict us :muscle:

If that’s what it takes :rofl:
And we haven’t even start using our folter techniques :ghost:

I vote to put up a welcome thread where new recruits need to go through our “Welcome” treatment before they can go further :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lol I’m just imagining but @jFar920 diiiiid post a screenshot of him about to recently :persevere::joy:

:shushing_face: I just wanted a way to bring the “Batman” title back up, plus I miss the half mod thing lol

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I second that :rofl:
I sense the rate of newcomers is going to suffer a sharp decline :joy::joy::joy:

Hahahahaha omg you guys. Y’all need to warn people before ya take over their posts. Lol

What’s regular status? They’re here everyday?

And wtf, I keep getting like notifications… ugh!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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You’re not missing that much to become a Regular again


Really? He can do that? But he’s such a nice guy :wink::+1::grin:

But the quality will be so much better :joy:

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Whoaaaaa there’s an actual set criteria? :exploding_head:

So uhhhh… about that Batman title cough cough,

What’s up dude? How are you? :grin:

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That’s mine? Gee, I need to keep up with my post “reading” I don’t like red crosses…

I’m good, you? I’m at work right now so I’m probably not going to reply fast, just got notifications from being tagged

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He can do a lot of things :flushed: I remember being frozen :crazy_face:

But that was @derek, hes the mean one :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Jk jk
I feel like I’m playing with fire :flushed:

:rofl: oof :flushed: that’s getting scary there, being selective :flushed:

We are watched everywhere

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Ah ok, sorry to pester bro
Though it’s cool to get you to pop in here :thinking: I’ll have to tag more often :partying_face: you’ll cheer @theearlywalker by being in here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Still, you, ya, the onions, here after work :triumph: you have to help us close this topic down this time-tonight :triumph:


I didn’t sign up for big brother :sob::rofl:

Yeah, let’s build a wall :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
We’re going for the LPU World Order :world_map:

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Fml :cold_sweat::rofl: wait! For the first time, I’ll be on the RIGHT side of the wall! :heart_eyes:
Wait I already am :thinking: damn I’m all kinds of confused here,
Hmmmm… being the wall builder might have its advantages :thinking: I can be Galen erso and set trapdoors all along the perimeter where I want :thinking: (crap, my nerdy side came out :nerd_face:)

I’m down for it :smiling_imp: @jrtrussell we’re doing what you always claimed to be doing! :triumph:

An lpu nwo :triumph::fist:t3:

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So @derek is Mr. Freeze?

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