Chat Room (TLPTV2)

Sounds like me :grimacing:

I know you say youā€™re giving him space but just let him work his things out, heā€™ll come around =] hopefully itā€™s just a bad momentā€¦
I donā€™t know a lick about him but seeing as my reaction is the same Iā€™d say heā€™s got something pressing on his mind and closes off to not let it affect other things(literally my boss just two days ago brought the same complaint up to me that I was being too closed off :joy:)

Or then again you could grab the trust bat :cricket_bat_and_ball: and make him listen the proper way :upside_down_face:

Lol personally I have fun poking at things :stuck_out_tongue: I prolly make stuff worse but donā€™t shut up if I care haha

Thank you about the name :slightly_smiling_face:

Kidding :grimacing:

Mmm :thinking: the j is correct, the sound
Itā€™s likeā€¦HAAA-vee-air

Surely the awesome charming hero :smirk: or at least the mega villain? Haha

Lots and lots of wind here but nothing else at the moment and nothing in sightā€¦

You mean driving in snow/ice?

Ainā€™t that all of us in a way? Haha


Hey yarn crafter!!!
Thanks @framos1792 for the introduction! If you want to learn about the differences I am always willing to explain :heart:


YOURE HERE! :star_struck: itā€™s good to see you :hugs:

Howā€™ve you been? :grin:
It might not be a bad idea :thinking: lol itā€™s a deep dark secret but once upon a time I knew to knit a little :grimacing: the one where you use a single needle thingamajigger :crazy_face:

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I hope so.

I know exactly whatā€™s going on. Still donā€™t like being ignored the entire night. At least say gnite.

I know ya do! :yum::bat:

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Ohhhhhh I know exactly what you mean! Itā€™s so frustrating when a loved one ignores you purposefully! :laughing:
Been there :thinking: lol
They just need their timeā€¦
a good friend gave me the advice of just making sure they know youā€™re there

On the bright sideā€¦in your case you can rest assured he canā€™t run away from you :crazy_face:

You know me so quickly :confounded: lol

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Yo yo yo!! Sup?!


:pound: :credit_card:


This is crochet :slight_smile:
Mommyhood striked back!!! All day I am running around like a lunaticā€¦:slight_smile: how are you? :heart:

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Ouh! Iā€™ll trade you! You get the irritation of being single, having to deal with people who donā€™t communicate plainly and I get the sweet wonderful kids to look after :star_struck::crazy_face: Iā€™ll feed them chicken nuggets and let them go to bed at 1am just like me :smiling_imp:

Iā€™m doing well enough :grin: getting in trouble all the time lol
Always on the brink of getting banned, generally running the risk of someone assasinating me for having frustrated them :thinking::innocent: so I think Iā€™m doing my job :grimacing:
Sending you a big hug :hugs::heart:
You should put the kids to sleep and come hang out from time to time :grin:


Hm, thatā€™s pretty avoidant behaviour. I think a little bit of talking is helpful particularly making sure you find time when youā€™re both busy. It would be great to leave work at the door but sometimes you need to vent / talk to someone about it. Maybe ask him about the problems at work and rather than giving advice just listen and comfort? Then, suggest an outing you can both enjoy to get away from it? I think women do not enjoy coldness from their partners because it is isolating and counterproductive. Itā€™s my worst nightmare. Itā€™s important to be like best friends and distance doesnā€™t make the heart grow fonder, it just makes it colder. But Iā€™m no expert! Let us know how it goes. Oooh, maybe he can join this forum - does he like LP? :grinning:

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Men donā€™t either :unamused:


Oh yeah, that name is so going in my story. Javier. Some sort of otherworldly being who hides in the shadows of a dying earth, after some sort of revenge he is yet to revealā€¦ (Yes thatā€™s a real partly written story :laughing:)

I meant public transport in snow (because everything grounds to a halt) but also the general getting from A to B as I tend to walk a lot and icy conditions are the worst. I once walked home through heavy snow as I watched about a thousand cars crawling nowhere. It was the longest itā€™s ever taken me to walk home (because the snow was so heavy it was a hard trek) but still the safest and quickest option. Iā€™d make a great explorer :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep, obsessed star gazer here so I canā€™t talk :laughing: :milky_way:

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We talked about it this weekend & things are better now. Thereā€™s not much to do or go around where we live (in the middle of nowhere). It takes minimum 20 minutes to get to something decent. Other than hubby, Iā€™m used to not having any friendsā€¦ havenā€™t had any since college grad. Everyone moved away. Yes, he likes LP but i think Iā€™ll keep this forum for myself. Lol. :wink::rofl:


I need some real dudes in here :neutral_face:
The other dudesā€¦wellā€¦they donā€™t cut it :confused:

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:rofl: that dude is dark eh?

You started it :exploding_head:

You need to speak to @gabridc98 :grin: pop in hereeeee :point_right:t3::point_left:t3::confused:

:laughing: you wouldnā€™t prefer a warmer spot to explore? An island perhaps?
Iā€™d prolly stay :laughing:


Awwww, get some Hs kids from discord. I was just talking to 1 who got into a punching match with his friend bc it makes them men. :roll_eyes:

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Youā€™re talking to high school kids? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::joy:

:exploding_head::star_struck: heeeeeey the future isnā€™t so bleak after all! Here I feared all men were becoming fruity pc eunuchs :triumph:
Say weā€™re proud of them! :partying_face:

Glad things are better :slight_smile: oh so you live in the countryside? You could do some star gazing or have a camping trip! One of my Canadian friends is always going camping. Iā€™m so jealous.

You have us now :hugs: weird virtual friends who love the same music as you!

Heā€™s awesome then! :grinning: