Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

That @framos1792 is a chump boi

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No, what it is?

That was just @chigokurosaki

:rofl: everyone knows that. Even in his resume appears that fact :joy:

I think they’re planning to finally escape your basement. :thinking: Be careful out there

No, that man looked like a lawyer, dunno… Ask Batman, but choice wisely your words. He could misunderstanding them.

I don’t have a basement. I borrowed one time ago to keep Mike there, but @alz89 found it and I lost Mike and the basement :confused: that was a hard day…

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@alz89 stole your entire basement? :flushed:

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She’s the one we should be afraid of, not chump and his lawyer :flushed:

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And? Annoying to be bound to the three in a row limit?

That was only 2

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Who’s Aquaman here?

I need a list please. I already know @framos1792 is :bat:
Other than that, I can’t keep up, lol!!! :joy::hugs::purple_heart:


I am the fish :muscle:


I’m just me :innocent:


I think I heard there was an ostrich somewhere as well :thinking:

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I’m Batman, batstitch, the onion, a baka, chump boi without a home, Donkey, the dodo from ice age, and yeah


You forgot some. Batmouse for sure :mouse:

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Bat mouse, taco, the wetback, the beaner oof this list is getting sensitive :flushed: :joy:
Oh onioncita,

Oh, there I could skip in some more :sunglasses:


Today’s gonna be a day I lose all my likes, lol, :yum::purple_heart: