Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

Yeah I haven’t entered the German list lol

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Yeah! She did! Be careful with her! :lying_face:

Aka our monkey Lord. Leader of the new world :crazy_face:

Was @chigokurosaki here? Jk.

That’s right :joy:

And btw I’m the Joker version Latina :joy_cat:

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Still in hope for that title?
Way to late

I don’t want to be Batman :face_vomiting:

What do you want?

Monkey is someone else Chief :man_facepalming: gotta keep with the program

He tryna kiss your :flushed: to see if you make him be cool
He tired of me saying no lol

Jajajaja shut up! He may fall :rofl:

Btw where is the program? I never received it :confused:

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:man_facepalming: :joy:

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I found it. It was in my private files. But there were more than one program :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You should be afraid of me!


Again, woke up in the middle of the night and didn’t remember where I am.
Had it last week too.
Totally irritating feeling.
Lying in the dark, get a grip an thoughts.
Where am I?
Till it comes.
This time, I’m actually and really home.

At least you didn’t wake up in @IronSoldier16’s basement. Then you’d really have to worry :grimacing:


I thought he had lost his basement :thinking:
Ok, waking up in an lost basement, really creepy :flushed:

It’s actually quite cheerful,
Full of unicorns and colors

Granted…unicorn I mean parts and colors are bright red buuuuuut could be worse :crazy_face:


You think, slicing up unicorns gives a rainbow coloured slaughter house ah basement :flushed:

I only meant it was more colorful than a grey dark concrete cube :grimacing:


Oh, to much imagination on my side :see_no_evil:

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It could worse :confounded: she could wake up in @framos1792’s basement or even worse: yours :face_vomiting:

That’s my room, why were you there? Stalker! XD