Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

Thank you

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Well, zany is as zany does. :grin:

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Even more oofs. Very unfortunate.

ok, first of all:

I’m not in with 21p, because they were founded in 2009 - they are another music generation and I’m always be that Nu-Metal, Thrash-Metal, Alternative-, Hardrock and Punkrock guy :heart::metal:t2:

I’ve listened to some of 21p songs on the radio, they’re ok in my opinion - so why there’s hate here?
I will never understand why people couldn’t say " I don’t like it, no offense, but when you’re liking it, it’s ok for me"

back to BTH: It’s one of the hardest songs which Mike had written. This song is so intense, that sometimes Chester begun to cry or got overwhelmed by feelings.

he weared these sunglasse to hide his tears. Over the years BTH became a special ending (Acapella outro) and a special beginning with the long piano versions after ‘Waiting for the end’, ‘Shadow of the day’, ‘Numb’ or ‘Iridescent’ for example

It will be always my #1 song in the world and it was my first tattoo. It’s kinda funny because I’m in with this heavier music and my #1 is BTH :rofl: - but the message, the voice of chester and the symbiosis between all instruments and playing of each Linkin Park member is just f’cking awesome. Also we’ve got a bombastic musiv video and lyrics, which are so intense. It’s my ‘life anchor’ because it’s realted to my real life and when I’m beginning to struggle, BTH get’s me up again :heart:

So I just want to say - Don’t spread hate, music is a buffet and sometimes we should try something new. We’ve got all in common that we love music, not everytime the same music - and that is ok


Okay, I’m gonna have to check these guys out bc I have never heard them… at least I don’t think I have. :thinking:

I’ll say it was the hardest, years to write, Chester crying the 1st time he read it and sang it, bc of what he said. Always looked like he was holding back tears while he sang it. And the look between the 2 right before and after kinda like, it’s gonna be okay/we made it though it… idk. And yes, I agree about Kurt although with his own trauma (no words for that day)… I would’ve loved to hear his version. I wonder how they’d do a live version, maybe change the sound of the mic like Mike’s been doing?

I watch this Live version often, really shouldn’t bc I cry every time. idk wtf is wrong with me. :roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Thank you for the reply. now I def don’t feel crazy, lol. :purple_heart:

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how so? :thinking:

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Lol we were talking about advanced alien intelligence

We’re going for round 2 at Area 51 and we’re inquiring about how best to include them within our plans

Round 2 is raiding the Vatican Chief. There’s nothing at Area 51.

We discussed this :roll_eyes:

There was that one bunker at the end of the site that we skipped

We said Vatican wasn’t until Easter next year :triumph: stick with the program soldier

This is why you’re still petty foot soldier and haven’t been repromoted :unamused:

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You gotta get with the program my guy

I’d recommend. Very deep and poetic songs, very much like LP. Sad boi songs which I like. They’re not everybody’s cup of tea tho as we’ve learned…

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You’re spreading false info now? :confused:

My guy. You’re the one getting the false info. Talking about returning to Area 51. They don’t give guys like you the real plans.

I’ve always been curious why it was hard for Mike, other than the music part. We see parts of it in the lptv episode but is that all? Know what I mean?
I swear Chester either holds back tears or cries every time he performs this song, me… I just cry. :sob:

I’m telling ya, Mike & Chester were meant to meet and become best friends.
Tat? gotta see it! Yes, all the instruments are superb on BTH. The video is awesome, all the work it took, Mr. Hahn traveling just to see the progress… crazy!

Mike was right when he said music is an international language.:notes::purple_heart:


No faith bro :confused:

They sending you to the diversion and you’re just blindly following

Didn’t you see round 1 was a failure in September? :expressionless:

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:man_facepalming: chief hit me back up when you have any position within the memes. Y’all outsiders stay trynna sound like you know what’s up :roll_eyes:

You’re living within memes while I’m living in reality :neutral_face:


@framos1792 @jrtrussell have you 2 met in person yet? you 2 argue like family. :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::purple_heart:


Nah he flaked on me :unamused:

He just showed up one day and has become the biggest pain in the :crazy_face: ever lol


He’s actually married to my cousin three times removed
I’m the one that keeps removing him further for convenience


You really are lost then chief :man_facepalming: I tried my best