Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

I’m gonna butt in for 1 sec and please don’t yell. Yes, Ohio and basically all of the middle States sux. Chicago is nice, just not in the winter!!! :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::cold_face: Okay, that’s all.

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Yeah winter in Chicago is bad , but other than that it’s a pretty cool place to live, minus the crime and violence of course

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What was your question about mike?

Soooo, breaking the habit… he worked on it for 5-6 years and now what? It meant a lot to both of them, different reasons we all know that. Idk. Just curious. :pleading_face:


:thinking: not sure what you’re asking though, unless I’m missing something

Nevermind, stupid question.

There’s never a stupid question =]
I think people would appreciate a question directly about LP and not just social bs :laughing:

Are you asking now what in general as to what happens to old projects? :thinking:

I know they’ll figure out something that’s best for them personally and us.
I specifically mean BtH. This isn’t meant to be social bs, I legit don’t know how to ask this in a delicate manner… guess I’ll put it aside for now until I can figure it out. sorry. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Ahh I’m not aware that they were doing anything more with the song? That’s why I wasn’t sure and was curious

Of course not, don’t get me wrong, I’m the one that wouldn’t care whichever it was :laughing: I just meant this is more “forum” appropriate so you sshouuuudlnttttt feel awkward asking, if it bugs someone who cares, they can get over it :hugs:

I don’t see why you should,
I literally meant that people probably will enjoy you posing a question like that

People complain too much about just spam so if it’s LP related then ask awayyyyy :partying_face:

Nope, not what I meant.

Okay. Mike worked on the song forever, happened that Chaz sang it. Bc it has such a special meaning, do they lock it up, put it away and never play it again… IF and WHEN the guys start playing on stage together again? Does Mike play it in a different way like he has with In the End? *keep shaking my head & throwing my hands in the air, annoyed with myselff


I think that comes down to if they continue to perform live. If they do then I think it’s an iconic song of theirs and will definitely be played live. Idk about mike performing it solo tho. He mostly performs the LP songs that he sings on so I don’t think he’d perform it live.


thank you. and yes, very iconic. :purple_heart:


Aaaaaah ok! See!!! That’s an awesome question! Perfectly valid and no one would say anything to it

I agree with the fish…
though disagree in that if they continue I think Mike will pick up quite a bit of the slack, and I can see them releasing something at 10year anniversary or something
Mike has played more and more songs depending on the crowd and I think at one point or another he’d take a swing at all songs :grin:


thank you too. totally scared outta my mind to ask it, obviously.
Mike doesn’t need to pick up anymore slack! He’s got enough on his plate as it is, lol. :purple_heart:


Um, isn’t that where your favourite band is originally from? Please untag the Ohioans… I’m in enough trouble already :unamused: :laughing:
@StephLP18 you’re cool :sunglasses:

Don’t bother asking these guys, they’re 21p fans through and through :roll_eyes: ask me and @HakManLP as we love Breaking The Habit and it’s definitely not social bs to ask about that song! I think the song was always the hardest to write for Mike and I believe to perform for Chester. I don’t think the song works without Chester as he brought life and soul to the message that no other singer could do (even Kurt!). I’d love to hear the re-reanimation on a future album, or even an unbelievably amazing past live version as it deserves to be remembered.

:shushing_face: Mike! And Chester’s face at the end :’)

(Put that in your pipe and suck it 21pers! And big up Japan!!!)

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This will it be for now?
In every post you do a kick?
You know what

No, better not.

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I don’t know Chief. It’s definitely a very strange way of thinking about things :thinking: Hopefully eventually they’ll come around :man_shrugging:


Anna you’re still here and responded! Yay! Well… the boys keep taunting me :weary: We could have been friends @jrtrussell ! Awesome friends :upside_down_face: You are the kicker, and I can take it. But remember, you live what you’ve learned… (Points of Authority).

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Thats your kind of humour? :exploding_head:

Not bad, not bad at all :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::crazy_face:

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