Can you touch your shoulders?

Pulp Fiction(I act exactly like Vincent Vega lol)
What’s your favorite messanger?

Whatsapp and hangouts.

Discord and FB Messenger

How are you today?

A: Ok… it comes and goes.

Q: You?

Healed ( a bit scars)and helping everyone in forums to heal…trying to inspire them. Even when i know sometimes the other person may get angry and we might worsen the situation.

How’s your work going?

A: Finally have a Saturday off.

Q: What’s for dinner?

Normal Indian dinner…chappati, rice, salad…full veg

And you there?

A: Salad with cherry tomatoes, lettuce, boiled egg and cucumber. Still hungry lol

Q: Something you love to eat but haven’t eaten in a long time?


Custurd…fruit custard…i love it. Long time i had it

What do you usually do during weekends?

A: Um, cheetos? :cry:

Q: What’s on your mind right now?

For all my LP family members…:relaxed:

A: Too many thoughts, like always…

Q: Anything good on TV?

I hardly watch tv…well my mom does…she’s watching a comedy show.

Your current phone model

A: Nothing, except… that MTV is playing LP music videos :sweat:

Q: Why only now?

Because of sheeple… They do this everytime a celeb dies. When Robin Williams died, they aired a marathon of his most well known movies. I can’t get myself to see his last movies still :frowning:

Q: I’m considering to order pizza… Sounds like a plan or not?

Still remember the time when Mike was asked, Pizza or Chester, and he was like, Chester everytime. (Why am I bringing this up?)

A: Ok, um, whatever rocks your boat.

Q: Suggest something for me to eat, then.

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Go have a burger or pasta…

Go have a burger or pasta…

Q: do you like cars more or bikes?

Cars. I can’t even ride a bicycle (keep falling from it, what a shame)
Do you use any Nivea stuff?

Nah! its no shame… Everyone are beautifully imperfect!! :wink:

Just body lotion during winter…that also rarely (my mom says to apply daily but i dont :stuck_out_tongue: )