Can you touch your shoulders?

Sorry…I forgot to mention

What is your fav. Day off week

Actually, I like Thursday best of all. Have a feeling like Friday’s tomorrow!" And it was shorter than the others this school year…

Fav car model?

McLaren F1 easily

What do you know tons about?

Lord of the rings

Where did you go to your last holidays?

A: Home

Q: How many pillows do you have for your bed?


Why would people have more than one?

I like sleeping high as I can’t breathe when it’s too flat. 4 or 5 pillows for me

Stalkerish question: what are you wearing at the moment?

A: Work gear = all suit up

Q: Any weekend plans?

Not yet

What you gonna do tomorrow?

oh! happy thursday…noice.

have to go for a crossword contest and make a project

You’ve got 1 week off from work…what would you do?

First night - sleeping. Then going out to different places(I have a dream to team up with my best friends and go to the center of the city for one night. A complete night in a very beautiful place…) I would also go shopping in some gear stores(like… IT, sport, weapons and stuff) then I would go to one of the center parks and try to learn to ride a Segway.
And I would also like to press the “18” button in my house elevator(17 floors, 18 buttons) and see if it gets me to the technical floor. If so, then I would pick a team and go on rooftop.

What’s your favorite foreign writer ?

Awww that my dream too!!!:smiley:

Mary shelly (for Frankenstein)

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And your question will be? :slight_smile:

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Oh sorry!! i guess this is the second time…!!

What would you do if you got invisible?

I would be too scared to say out loud the words I could’ve used :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
What would you do if one day you would wake up and realize there’s no one else out there?


I’ll go and get every supercar I can get my hands on.

Are you superstitious?

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I used to be, now I think it’s sorta stupid
Have you ever bought stuff you don’t need, but you love it and just… buy it ?)

You know what…I knew it that it will end it that way…I was gonna mention that (dont sing the song!) But then thought that I am the only one who thinks like this and left it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

Yeah same here…but all other in my family are…

Ya…it was a kinda ink pen…I never use ink pen but I liked it and bought it…its still there on my study table.


I was listening to this song and when i saw the reply i laughed out loud haha

Answer: many many things. Mostly clothes and comic con stuff.

Q: the least favourite linkin park song?

A: victimized

Q: A movie which you relate to yourself