Can you touch your shoulders?

Why the hell do my teachers give x600 more material when I’m not in school
What’s for supper?

A something fishy

Q what’s for dessert?

Nothing :persevere: I am on diet!!!

What are you proud of?

My ability to feel a very limited range of emotions (I can count them on one hand). :stuck_out_tongue:

What sort of kid were you in primary school (e.g. the teacher’s pet, the trouble maker, the invisible average kid, etc…)?

The artistic one who was rather quiet.

What phone have you got?


@rorymcgarrett check this thread out if you wanna post anything phone related. It was originally a Q&A type game but we just resorted to posting anything phone related

Have you ever smashed a phone screen?

1 Like


A: never

Q: what is the last thing you’ve seen on telly?

And old episode of Deadly 60

Do you like animals?

Depends on the animal. Love dogs, hate spiders.

Books or movies? As an adaptations

Always the book

What kind of books do you read?

Wow…nice one!!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Novel,thriller…but no love stories…I hate them

What’s the next question?

Sorry…I forgot to mention

What is your fav. Day off week

Actually, I like Thursday best of all. Have a feeling like Friday’s tomorrow!" And it was shorter than the others this school year…

Fav car model?

McLaren F1 easily

What do you know tons about?

Lord of the rings

Where did you go to your last holidays?

A: Home

Q: How many pillows do you have for your bed?


Why would people have more than one?

I like sleeping high as I can’t breathe when it’s too flat. 4 or 5 pillows for me

Stalkerish question: what are you wearing at the moment?

A: Work gear = all suit up

Q: Any weekend plans?