Can you touch your shoulders?


Favourite accessories ?

Scarves,cowls ,shawls… most of them are made by me

Favourite place to be?

Somewhere cold.

Lowest diurnal range you’ve ever seen?

Not sure, but this is my local weather in Fahrenheit

Favorite show to binge watch?

Gilmore Girls

What are your thoughts on extreme sports. Bungee jumping, sky diving and so on…?

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I want to do them

Would you spend a day with the person you loathe most in the world for £1 million?

A: Absolutely not.

Q: What’s your ideal comfort food/drink?

A: Salted Caramel ice cream forever and ever

Q: If you could kick someone in the face, who would it be and why?

Hmmm a lot of people, but recently my collegue who knows it all and won’t listen to what you have to say.

If you could time travel where would you go and why?

Ask @the_termin8r :stuck_out_tongue:


This post really deserved a like !!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Why? I think i am missing something?

A: Time travel huh? Probably the future to see what’s in store for us.

Q: How many plants do you have in your house?

0 because they died.

What book is your favourite?

Not yet decided…I have read many…
Probably the latest one which I have read…‘Frankenstein’


Lord of the rings.

What did you have for lunch?

Pasta with sauce

What are you doing right now?

A: Eating ice cream while lounging on the couch listening to music and being lazy.

Q: Have/are you been/going on holidays?

I am on holidays :slight_smile:

Are you planning any holidays?

I wish i could…having exams from 2nd!!

What about you