Migrating to a new home now soon and then I’ll probably be able to make it work out and relax with y’all and I am not going back then ever again!!

Courage and power to _______

Courage and power to the people who stand up against tyranny and oppression and authoritarianism and dictatorship to get a hold of their own lives with liberty and dignity and respect for each other and I hope to see everyone again for the weekend :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

See you all again ___________

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See you all again tomorrow night and I hope you feel like you’re welcome to stay here and enjoy yourself and relax and then we will have a good time together with y’all

Too good _________

Too good at goodbyes and goodnight my love I love you so much and I hope you can have a good night sleep :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Slowly dozing off _________

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Slowly dozing off now and I want you to know that you will sleep wonderful tonight, and when you wake up again I’ll be here my dear

Now I lay me down to sleep ______

Now I lay me down to sleep in the car on the way back home from work and I don’t have any money to pay for a room for the night so I will send you my address when you get a chance please send me to your address in Munich and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:

Send me to Munich ________

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Send me to Munich is the most important thing for me to do this is how I wanna try to be strong and I will always be happy to be with y’all

To be with you _______

To be with you is out of the question about my life and my dad and his mom is coming over for dinner tonight or tomorrow night and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:

Nope they’re not __________

Nope they’re not loading up the car now and I don’t want you guys in a car and you have to drive me home

Drive safe and ______

Drive safe and sound in the morning and I will be there for sure but I have to go back to work on Monday :persevere:

Not nice ____________

Not nice but it’s ok to be here for a while now and when you go back you are able to do everything you have to do

Charging _______

Charging my phone and my father and grandmother passed away in the garage for a while and then we can get together for a drink or two to come and celebrate with you and your family a very happy new life without them knowing that I have been trying to get away from them all my life and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:

Just a wish ____________

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Just a wish for this but it can be sooo much better than any other version of this life and I hope you can really enjoy this

Enjoy this _______

Enjoy this burger with Dan Chris and he said he would call you in about an hour or so to get the car back to me as soon as possible and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:
(Who’s Dan Chris?)

Burger ___________

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:joy::joy::joy: tell me you?? And who‘s car is it??

Burger :hamburger: is a cold beer :beer: here now and I really invite y’all to dinner tonight or so if y’all want me to go ahead with it I can do whatever you want me to do later tonight I will be there in about an hour

I’ll cook noodles ______

I’ll cook noodles and sauce and grandmother is not going to be able to make me feel like a piece of shit and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:

Not her ______________

Yummy :yum: noodles…

Not her best way to deal with this life but it’s not always a good idea to be with her so I would probably advice you to stay calm and away from her

Stay away from ______

Stay away from the craziest family that the world has ever seen Lorenzo is going to help you out with my father and grandmother and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Lorenzo ___________

Lorenzo was very nice yesterday morning and the day before yesterday I wanna help you out and make you feel better today I love you :two_hearts: and I’ll help you with your life and family and friends…

Let’s do it ________

Let’s do it again soon and we can go to Munich now and then we can talk about the details of the week and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Oktoberfest __________