Signing up for the meet and greets at the end of the night and I will always remember to be there at the end of the night

Lol - was too fast

Editing _______

Editing the family out of my life and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Out of my life __________

Out of my life leaves you alone and I don’t want to be alone in the morning or evening or night or Sunday morning because I’m not going crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Everybody needs ________

Everyone needs some time to think about the things that need to be done to get some sleep tonight and tomorrow night :sleeping::zzz:

Thinking about ___________

Thinking about how good it will feel for you to be yourself again and I see how it works more and more and I am so glad you are able to do this and again I hope you feel like you’re doing good :+1:t2:

A lullaby _________

A lullaby to go back to sleep and just woke up from a nightmare of my father and grandmother and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Nightmares ___________

Nightmares of the pain and the heat wave and it feels so heavy and I don’t know how to make it rain here again soon as though you guys will have to drive back home

Driving back _______

Driving back home to sleep for the rest of the week and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Sleepy ____________

Sleepy :sleeping: always a good goodnight Sam is the way to get a good goodnight hug :hugs: I was sooo tired :sweat: and all

And all _____

And all of this is not going to be able to make me feel better about my father and grandmother and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Emotional vampires ____________

Emotional vampires 🧛🏻‍♂️ are sucking you all the way to this life and you can realize that you’re the best person in this life that you’re going to be happy

Going to be happy _______

Going to be happy to see if we could get a room in Italy for me to come over tonight and we can stay there for a bit of time to get some sleep tonight and tomorrow night :night_with_stars:

In Italy __________

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I like this autocomplete idea :blush:

In Italy the next days will be a great time for you and me and my family and friends and for sharing the experience with you will be just a great idea

A great idea _______

A great idea for me to go to Italy for the next few days to be with you and your family and friends and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Italian family __________

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Italian family is a nice one and I will always appreciate your visit here later tonight and enjoy the time that we have together with our family and friends here too

Nowerdays the distance _______

Nowadays the distance between my father and I will get even worse to get my life back together and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Getting worse _____________

Getting worse now soon as though you’re busy with your family for a while now you can spend your weekend together with me and I will always help and enjoy your company

Your company ________

Your company is a little bit cloudier today and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Cloudier __________

Cloudier is the morning time I need a coffee :coffee: then this morning is going to be a great :+1:t2: morning -

Morning ________

Morning and I will be there for sure if we can get my father and grandmother to see the doctor :pray::pray::pray::heart:

Diagnosis ___________