Feeling better now and I’m happy you’re going to sleep in again tomorrow morning dear and yes we will do a great Sunday morning and enjoy the beer :beers:

Cheers :beers: _________

Cheers :beers: the best way to do with the family for the holidays and all the other things that have happened to me before I get to see you soon :kissing_heart::heart:

Soon __________

Soon enough to make it work for me and I will be back here at the church tomorrow morning and then we go ahead with the rest of our day

Tomorrow _______

Tomorrow morning at the latest so we can go to Munich for a drink or two and then we can talk about the details of the house where we are staying at the same place and get some food for the rest of the week and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:

At the latest __________

Sounds nice what the autocomplete completed… :joy::hugs:

At the latest I can be there at noon tomorrow to pick you up and then I’ll probably get you back home :house_with_garden:

Living _________

Living together with you and your family and friends are going to be a good idea for me to go to Munich for the rest of my life with you and your family and friends and we can talk about the details of my life with you and your daughter and she will be very happy to see me and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Future plans _________

Future plans are good for everybody to come to the point of the plan for the rest of our life and then we will always be together with our hearts :two_hearts: and the future is going to be a great :+1:t2:

Always good to_______

Always good to have a nap and I feel like I’m getting down with the flu and then I will have to go to the doctor and get some sleep tonight and tomorrow night :sleeping::zzz:

Unwell ________

Unwell :face_with_thermometer: and all the day long as I get to the grocery shop today again I hope you’re feeling better soon

For some reason _______

For some reason I forgot about this thread and then I will have to go back to my grandmother’s house to get the house ready for the next few weeks and I have to go now :persevere:

Ugh ____________

Ugh :expressionless: has always been a bit sad but it is definitely worth a try for the rest of my day today and I will work on it myself again

Me, myself and I _______

Me, myself and I are not going to make me feel better about the details of my life with my father and grandmother and I will have to get together with the family for a bit of time and effort to make me feel like a piece of shit no matter how much I try not to think about it and let me know what you can do for me please and thank you for your help and support :pray::heart:

No way _________

No way to deal with this issue and I will always be there for you and I had to learn this in hard and heavy lessons myself and still do so let’s stick together because we know we’re not of shit

Toxic people _________

Toxic people are interested in meeting up with me and I will send it to you when you get home from work tomorrow night and then we can head to bed soon :sleeping:

Emotionally draining __________

Emotionally draining the battery is at the end of the topic
(Didn’t even make sense)
For example _____

For example the article was only short and I had a bit of a headache :face_with_head_bandage:

Finally replacing _________

Finally replacing the fish and chips or cracks in the world.

Cause beyond ____

Cause beyond control of my life with my father and grandmother and I will have to go back to work on Monday :persevere:

Out of control __________

Out of control and now you can come over here later to relax and enjoy yourself with me and then I can tell you how much I wanna see it in the end lol :joy:

In the end_________

In the end of the day I can come over to your place to stay for the night and then get some sleep tonight :sleeping::zzz:

Never enough sleep __________

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