Reorganizing is a good idea and I will always be there for you to help you with your family and with your life and I’ll be there

I’ll be there_______

Heeey @Honey8 :tada::tada::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Ikr :joy: i actually filled that… a bit of cheating :crazy_face:

I’ll be there anytime . Lol

In my house _____

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:joy::joy::joy: how sweet lil soul sis how was the movie :movie_camera: :hugs:

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It was fun! I enjoyed it :laughing::smiley::smiley:

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In my house is a good time for you to come over and play with me for the night and then we can head to bed soon :sleeping:

Play with me _________

Play with me and I play it all together and enjoy it myself but it’s not really like that I don’t want to go but I’m lost and I’m sorry I cannot find the way

Help me finding ________

Help me finding out more about my father and grandmother and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:

Figuring out _________

Figuring out what exactly the schedule will be and if it’s not too bad it’s going to work out so I’ll probably be back here soon enough to make it work for you and me

See how______

Figuring out what to do with the students who are in the process of getting a new phone :joy:

See how are you feeling?

What is ____

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What is your name and what is the best thing you could ever think about and how much you can spend the money and I have no worries about you

Working with _______

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Working with you on this is so pretty much better than the last time I was in a meeting with my boss lol

What :joy:

Seriously i never actually knew the rules for this game that it has to be completed by auto complete :joy: i always typed it !

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: LMAO :rofl:

have to leave- cya buzzy :honeybee: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Working with my father and grandmother is not a good day for me and I will be very grateful if you could please send me help with this matter :pray:

Sending help __________

Sending help my dear friend and I will always be there for you and I will help you with your family for the rest of our life

Feel save _______

Feel safe with you and your daughter and she is going to have to get the car back to the house :expressionless:

The garage __________

The garage was open today again and again I will try to keep it close up and I will try it again tomorrow

Tomorrow ________

Tomorrow morning to see what the plan is for me to come over to your place for the rest of the week and I will be very happy to see you and your family and friends and we can talk about this tomorrow morning at work on Monday :persevere:

The rest of the week _________

The rest of the week is probably going to be good for you and me Sam and the time we will have together is short as always

Time is fast ______

Time is fast and life is short :sob: and then we will all have to die one day :sob:

Reality _________

Reality check is it today and I will do or try to do everything I dream of before I leave the world :earth_americas:

Living my dreams ______