Back here soon enough for me to come over to your place and get some sleep tonight :sleeping:

If only ___________

If only you were able to make it work but you are not going to make it work until you have a plane :airplane: to come over here

Hijack a plane __________

Hijack a plane ticket for me to come over to your place to stay for the rest of my life with you and your family and friends and we can talk more about it when you get back from your trip to the store and get some sleep tonight :sleeping:

Plane ticket _________

Plane ticket :ticket: is a great idea for the next two weeks so we can spend some time together and enjoy it and then you help me getting everything back in order here in my new place

Living out of boxes__________

Living out of boxes of my life with you and your daughter and she said that she would like to see if we could get a room for her birthday party at the beach with her and her friends and we can get together soon for a drink or two :blush:

Birthday party _________

Birthday party tomorrow night and then we can spend the day with her and her friends :couple: at the beach :beach_umbrella: I was just like telling you what exactly you wanted to do so you could tell me ?

Could you tell me ________

Could you tell me what the plan is for me today and tomorrow and I’ll let you know when I’m on my way to the airport to pick you up at your convenience to discuss with you and your daughter in the car and it will take a while to get back to you and your family and friends and we can talk more about this tomorrow :blush:

Pick you up _____________

Pick you up from the church tomorrow morning dear friend and enjoy yourself with the rest of our life together and we can spend some money on it

Spending money _______

Spending money for the house where we are staying at all the time and the opportunity to work with you and your family and friends and we can get together for the rest of our lives together and have some fun with you and your daughter and she said she would be happy to help you out with the family for the rest of my life with you and your family and friends

The opportunity _________

The opportunity to be able to make it work and then we can leave early tomorrow morning to pick up your lunch and dinner and then we go back home :house_with_garden:

Going back to _________

Going back to work now I love you so much and I’m sorry for your help with this matter and I have to go to work and go to the office to get the money for my life with you and your family and friends

Back to work ___________

Back to work and study within a month now. No more holidays

I got to ______

I got to go back to work now and I will be in the office today and tomorrow night I will be in touch with you and your family and friends and we can talk about the details of the house and then head to bed :sleeping:

Tomorrow ___________

Tomorrow is the best day for you guys to come over and spend some time together with us

Together with us ______

Together with us to be able to make sure that we can get together soon for a drink or two and then we can go to Munich for dinner and a movie or something like that for the night :night_with_stars: and then we can go from there to get the car to go to bed soon :sleeping:

The night __________

The night was good for me to get back to my bed and then I slept for hours and then I’ll be back here at home again and work on it

Unpacking boxes is _______

Unpacking boxes is a few years :grimacing: old :astonished: and your daughter is not going to help you out with this matter and you are not going to make me feel better about it now :cry:

Unhelpful daughter _________

Unhelpful daughter and I don’t know how to make it work until I get back here and then we have to leave and go to see if it works out for you and me

Talking about ________

Talking about craziness of my father and grandmother and I am not able to make me feel better about it now and then we can go to a helicopter and then head over to your place to live with you and your family and friends and we can get together for a drink or two and then head to bed :sleeping:

Helicopter _________

Helicopter :helicopter: was the last idea I had to get you over to my house and garden and then I would have a shower and I would come over later today or maybe just lay down for the rest of the day

Just lay down _________