Will you know it will be a little bit late to get a hold of him and his mom and her friend again for the help of the doctor today and tomorrow night :sleeping:

The help of the doctor _________

The help of the doctor was just now leaving the office room and the doctor is probably a bit longer to go to pick up your dad and then we go to pick her up

To pick her up _______

To pick her up from my grandmother’s house and get back to work on Monday and I will be in touch with you about this tomorrow morning and then we can talk about the details of the house and get some food for the weekend so I won’t be right back at my grandmother’s house to the garden and the rest of the house

My grandmother’s house _________

My grandmothers house is probably the last one thing I can spend the day and night in

Good morning ________

Good morning to you and your daughter and she is not going to work for you and she will be in the shower when you get a chance to get into the shower now in the new place :grin:
(Lol, but you have more than one bathroom there now right?)

Privacy _________

Privacy issues are not a normal state of it but it will cost us more money to get back to the level we appreciate

We appreciate __________

We appreciate that my father and grandmother passed away and we can go from there to get the party started at the end result of this :joy::muscle:
(The autocomplete read our minds :joy::joy::joy:)

If only ________

If only the party would not have to start after they died but just now :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s disappear and ____

Let’s disappear and get back my life from my father and grandmother and I have to be in a relationship with someone who has been there for me and I will be very happy if I don’t have to check with my father and grandmother and see what happens with the family for the rest of my life

Exactly ________

Exactly what I would do if I was in the middle of the conversation with the family and then we have to leave early and then we will have a good time together for a while and then we go to get back our lifetime together with you

No longer _________

No longer have to go back to my grandma’s house and get the garden done and the reason why you are doing it for me to get out of here and get my life back on my feet and legs are so I can find out what I need to do with my life and my life is so much better than my father and grandmother and I will have to get back on track of what I want to do with my life and I’m not sorry for not going back to my father and grandmother and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray::heart:

What I need ________

What I need is a good time with you and you can always come here to my place and I will always be happy with you

Goodnight ________

Goodnight and I will have to go back to sleep for a bit and then we can talk about this when I get back from lunch with my father and grandmother :scream:
(No, the autocomplete is not true, I’m not going there, god bless)

God bless ________

God bless it’s all good morning :sunny: is your family going to be together tomorrow morning? Ok I just woke up and then I got a coffee :coffee:

Morning coffee _______

Morning coffee and tea and a half of my sandwich for lunch today and then we can talk about the details of the house where you and your daughter are not going to shower now and then we can get together for a drink or two and then head to bed :sleeping:

Sandwich _________

Lol - no shower today? But I need one desperately…

:sandwich: is the morning sunshine I hope you had a good one and have fun with your friends :couple: is that the way I can spend the rest of my life here with you tomorrow morning and I can have a coffee or something like that

Something like this_________

We are running to the 1000th post soon :joy::muscle:t2::sunny::sunny:

Something like this for me please and thank you for your help and support for my life and my life is not working properly for me and I will have to get back to sleep for a bit of time to get some more rest :sleeping:

Resting __________

Resting for now and I will have to go to shower now soon and then I’ll probably be busy with the new house and then I will be back

Moving is _________

Moving is not an option for me to do that for me and my family are in my life and I don’t know how to get away from the family for a bit and get back on my feet for the rest of my life

Not an option ________

Not an option but not the same way for me to get it myself but it will be a great day for ya guys and then I’ll be back home tomorrow night and then I’ll be back here soon

Back here soon ________