Oh thank you :blush::joy::joy:

I am being catfished by my head and I have to be a bit of a very old person.

My sister is making a ___

:blush: No that is the autocomplete talking, I usually say that to Pat instead in our chats :blush:

I guess when you grow old and your brain is failing you (dementia etc), it’s like your brain is doing the ultimate catfishing on you.

My sister is making a long day of work and I have a lot to do with her :pensive:

My mother is _____


My mom is a weird individual

My friends think that I am ____?

My friends think that I am sitting on a bench doing nothing.


My dog was…


My dog was in a car and a few other things and then I got to see him go back and get the ball rolling

The animals outside my house are ______


Yes I know, that’s why I’m laughing :smile:

The animals outside my house are a bit of a very old person (this doesn’t make sense lol).

Did you try to ___ ?

turn it off and on again

I’m not ….

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I’m not going anywhere else but you and I will see if you want me home with the flu :mask:
(Lol, but about right)

I am at home because _____


Lol :joy:

I’m at home and I’m gonna have a good day at home and then I’ll go home now - … :see_no_evil: forgot to add because ( thanx Sam :hugs:) - ok… once more:

I’m at home because I have to drive to shower now I’ll go shower now :joy::+1:t2: :shower:

:joy::joy: Home sweet home

Yesterday my best friend _________

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Yesterday my best friend ever ever ever ever ever ever lived with you :joy::joy::joy:

Tonight I’m gonna ___

two interesting options:

  • bury that horse in the ground ('cause it sounds ridiculous)
  • party like it’s 1999 (just recalled myself partying in 1999)

Who was…

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Who was that guy in the office today and will he be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow morning at work tomorrow?

I’m tired of waiting for ______

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the sun to rise

yesterday I

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Yesterday I had to brute force my way in because of the blasted theme park today.

This makes no sense, because…

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This makes no sense, because it is not going anywhere near a single record.

The most interesting thing I searched Google for was…

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The mist interesting thing I searched Google for was good coverage or bad news about superhero films and tv shows.

This one goes out to…

This one goes out to my boi.

Lol my phone knows me too well :joy:

My mom just told me ________

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What comes out of my skin is shit. :joy:

I ate food, because…



I’m looking for a new job :smiley:

Smile and sing because ___

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Smile and sing because I love her to sleep with you and her hug you and your head ( whaaat? :flushed:…, :joy::joy::joy::sweat_smile:)

My feelings are _________

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