When does the next start of the year is going to happen with my life in the big city and state of country for the next time you are in town for the weekend so I can get my hands on you and your family

The next start of ________

The next start of the year, I can go and get killed in an appalling crime against humanity and the blasted theme park.

My death will be death by…

My death will be death by a large group of people who are interested in having a good time with me and I will be there for the rest of my life with them for their pleasure

A large group of people ________

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A large group of people are going to have to go and get killed.

This is getting…

This is getting better and better now and I have to play with this game again and again :joy:

When I play this game _________

When I play this game i’m gonna go get a house and get him all the way he wants to be


I’m going to get a house

I’m going to get a house for sale in the morning and then we can arrange for a coffee or something like that if you want :hugs:

Glue ___

Glue gun to my car now so I’ll have to get back to the car workshop to get it fixed

Let’s fix _______

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Let’s fix your brain.

My brain…

My brain hurts and I have a headache :confounded:

My headache is __________

My headache is probably the last one that I needed now I want to go home now and then I’ll probably rest a while

When I have _________

When I have to go and get killed by accident, I just don’t care about the Macbook pro.

Eating food is like…

Eating food is like a half hour ago or so and then I will send you the link to the video of the house for you

The video _________

The video was just ok I guess it is really really annoying but it’s ok :ok_hand:t2: I was just tired of being a nice person


When I’m tired of being a nice person _______

When I’m tired of being a nice person but I don’t want you to not be happy with me

Be happy ________

Be happy :relieved: I hope you’re feeling better today and tomorrow I hope you’re feeling better today and I’m happy you’re going to be happy

When your happy _________

When your happy with your daughter and she is going to have to go to the store to buy the stuff for you and the family are doing well and enjoying the day off😊

The family is ________

The family is still here at home and I have a lot to do to make him feel better soon and then I’ll probably get you back

Getting you back ________

Getting you back to work on Monday so I can find the time to get to know the details of the things that are not on the list for the house

Going back to work is _______

Going back to work is not always a nice thing to do the work is so much more important than what you can do with it a bit better tand there are a great selection and great place for your lunch or lunch with you and you can always enjoy the beer here with the family

Drinking beer with you _________