I will- good that the phone doesn’t delivers smell :rofl::joy::joy::joy:

The bathroom :toilet: was my morning dear I love :heart: this morning sunshine :sunny: indeed

Sunshine in the :toilet: __________

Sunshine in the :toilet: where the sun don’t shine :sun_with_face::sunglasses::wink:

Where the sun don’t shine _____________

Where the sun don’t shine on you dear god bless y’all with all the strength you need for the way that you’re walking on

Winding roads _______

Winding roads are going to drive me crazy :dizzy_face::scream::astonished:

Driving me crazy _________

Driving me crazy now but I don’t give up on the way that I will have to work on and I don’t want to stop again

Walking on _________

Walking on eggshells to get my father and grandmother out of my life and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Get out ___________

Get out of here soon as though you’re busy with your life it must be done dear god bless you and I will help you with your family for the rest of your life

With you ________

With you is not possible to get anything done :frowning:

Not possible __________

Not possible but I’m here for now and I hope I can help you with your help with this stuff and then we can spend some time together again

Focus on ___________

Focus on my work but I don’t think I can make it work out for me with this headache :persevere:

Headache again ___________

Headache again today and I hope you feel better soon

Feel better soon______

Feel better soon but I don’t think I can make myself feel better about this :frowning:

Too many worries ____________

Too many problems here now and I don’t know :man_shrugging: what happened and what I do now I’m sooo sorry :neutral_face:

Uuuups - confused the words :joy:

Too many worries about this morning and I hope you can realize that everything will happen soon and then I’ll probably get you back to the next level

But time is still available to ________

Yup, feels like I’m watching an accident that is about to happen no matter what I do and I can’t do anything about it

But time is still available to get some more information into my head and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Too much information ____________

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Let’s get it started then… tell me what my job is to support you getting it into your head…

Too much information :information_source: is it possible to get the things in to you and then you can realize that everything

Let’s get it started and ______

Let’s get it started and cut the crap :muscle::ok_hand:

Cut the crap ___________

Cut the crap off my dear friend please take care of yourself

I’m here to _______

I’m here to help you with your work and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Working ____________

Working with you and you can always be a good friend of mine who can help me out and I will help you with that everything will be fine :+1:t2:

Invincible and strong _________

Invincible and strong enough for me to get the hell out of my life with my father and grandmother and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Agreed ___________