And it is time for yet another story!

Dirty Mario was doing a strange ritual against the wall on the magical witch tunes of Joe .

(just for me ot: phoenix is the good and Joe on bad side :fearful:? or other way round?
or both? ]

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“Yes! Yes my puppets, make this world Green and Ugly!” Green Master Ugly Shrek said and laughed and laughed.

[I guess if you like shrek then Phoenix is the bad guy, but Shrek is a little crazy now so I guess now Joe is bad]

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“damn, let me get this door open”, all coolness was down, " the challenge is to spread the world with green!"
he repeated this like a prayer, as…

A bunch of giant toadstools erupted from the ground and Dirty Mario and Joe climbed atop of one.

Meanwhile Phoenix was still…

:hugging: @samuel_the_leader & @gatsie :rainbow:

“Good, Phoenix, don’t get distracted by them!” Dr. Hiro said as he was mixing up a potion.

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and as we all know from the past: the potions of Hiro were the best like:

so Asterix & Obelix were called…to bring the power to the Phoenix

Joe played his evil music and Dirty Mario did his horrible dance, as the toadstools moved further and further until the reached the shores of the Green Forgotten Islands, with more horrible looking toadstools popping out of the ground.

Just then, the sky opens up it’s teeth:

Joe went to post just how evil his plans were for the planet:

(@Gatsie @The_early_walker :stuck_out_tongue:)

next what happens to the social networks was this message: Code Green LP to U -Soldiers- The vegetale-tourett is comming to eatscha people

Joe crossed the ocean while riding the giant ugly toadstools and passed the waters where the Linkin Zombies had exploded into million pieces; the spores that the toadstools dropped into the ocean helped Mike, Rob and Brad turn back into their normal self again. They were so happy that they made a selfie and released Chester wasn’t there.

Ironically, at this moment, Phoenix finally succumbs to the zombie virus:

“no no no!”, the fewa screams and rises up to maximum power, her eyes became just green stars this moment

“With this words I bann all evil from this world for 10 minutes from now…!”

And a blob of Chester’s zombie body attached itself to Phoenix’ zombie body, fusing them into ChesterPhi, the screeching zombie with two heads.

the fewa realizes, her intervention came too late “WTF!!!” she screams like a market woman selling rotten apples. While she screams happen this

The fewa becomes an ALIEN herself

The Fewa sneaks up onto Joe and touches him:

(OT: Wasn’t she always an alien in disguise all along?)
Edit: Evidence

( the FEWA is just a superwoman with the beauty of heaven and the forces of hell ; FEmale WArrior)

even Joe got infected now: the situation has changed: Joe becomes an alien…