7th studio album announced

what a nice share, it is great, when does it took part? He said, MS btw we get more mb today lol @evooba, phoenixes poor soul, yamming ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks

It’s from yesterday.

dunnow how you got it, but it was kinda sooooooooooo personal, I´m tuned for more…:stuck_out_tongue:

Huh? They live streamed it on their facebook page, like always.

for me this time it has more…don´t know, mb spirit, yes, imo this vid [ aka life-stream] transports more spirit as it was before…lol, but what does it matter, the guys are good, all healthy together, even if Brad has to eat his sweatshirt, they seem to be in a good creative energy, that is enough to make me happy :heart: today…:relaxed:

EDIT 14.04. Album title “Vegetable Tourette´s”? was this just a joke @mike ? @lpuhq?

He was trolling like always. Of course it’s a joke.

puhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :scream::joy::smiley::sunglasses: lol

I’m surprised there was no April fools joke from them.

Because Jordan and the LPA pulled 2 pretty awesome pranks on the fans. :wink:

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Vegetable Tourettes sound’s like a marvelous name for 7th album! And look, here’s the album cover already! Isn’t it beautiful?


I follow mike on Twitter. They tweet most of the sessions.

lol @gatsie “Where do ya find THIS???” :stuck_out_tongue:

Found this beautiful album cover while looking for the bottom of my winebottle :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this not a gem? :stuck_out_tongue:

hey to the unicorn poopie queen! Hello @Gatsie!It looks really professional, btw…mb it becomes true :scream::astonished: vegetable´s tourette, noooo, that is kinda…even…almost discriminating…only, that would never become a title…of an album…but they are real trying to hint to false direction, lol how are you btw? :hugging:

That’s why we like him so much; too amusing

This position [possesion] makes him likea real Boss…sure further PRESIDENT…hopefully to get back sm human values to share, hi @samuel_the_leader

Indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

I swear I saw someone post on instagram/twitter about MS for president, but can’t find it lol. :joy:

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but for real, this is a person, integrity is no Q, his second forename is TRUST…we need [even the younger ppl] need charismatic leaders for not becomming extreme…omo…I will let him lead the whole world in one…so what to listen to, right now, Buddie? I´m on Muse, but think becomming kinda “psycho” due to their music, decided right now to explore diffrent lp-intros more deep…

OMG Mike Shinoda for president would be a better option than what is running for president in the US right now :stuck_out_tongue:

How long before the album drops do you think we’ll get our first single? 2 months? 3?