7th studio album announced

I don’t think that they would produce an acoustic album, given sales predictions. It would just be too great a loss.

I’m more curious about album name and art.

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I hear a lot of acoustic music on TV or radio. A lot of songs like acoustic guitar+vocal+additional instruments. LP could do something like this and it would sell more copies than THP.

Yeah, think about it like an acoustic EP. They could include performances of songs like LOATR (the Summit version), the FM one they recently released, The Messenger, In My Remains (Summit version) and maybe Little Things?
I don’t remember in which thread we talk about this, there’s definitely another one so if you guys find it, link it below!

My December… :

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I totally disagree about the thought of an acoustic album not being able to sell well. Have you heard the acoustic eargasm that is “Final Masquarade”? If you haven’t, I really recommend it, it’s just so pure and wonderful.

Seriously in all honesty, I think an acoustic album would actually have the potential to sell very well. An EP like EvoOba mentioned would be lovely too.

Here’s the link to one of the older threads about an Acoustic LP album:


@EvoOba Sorry dude, but I explain it very pleasent: An acoustic LP Album didn´t need a singer…

@The_early_walker Ehmm… why? Who’s gonna sing then?

How come I never seen this alternate music video of What I’ve Done before?


Maybe you’re confusing acoustic with instrumental? For acoustic and instrumental are two different forms. Instrumental music is music without any lyrics/singing/rapping and therefor doesn’t necesarrily need a vocalist/singer. But, acoustic music is simply music without electrical amplification.

There have been made plenty of acoustic recordings in the past with marvelous singers. And like I mentioned in an earlier reply; Mike and Chester have already made a beautiful acoustic version to Final Masquarade. It is not impossible.

I’ve never seen that video version of What I’ve Done either btw. Very sci-fi, I like it.

@gatsie thanx, you saved me once again, hug you
Yeah, think it´s like she said, sorry, so my opinion is: they must do an acoustic album with all their feelings inside!


@samuel_the_leader Have you seen this one for Frgt/10?

No worries @The_early_walker, I got you :wink:

I am friggen embarrased to say that I haven’t seen that video of FRGT10 ever in my life, until now that is.

I haven’t watched reanimation music videos for a long time. I only remembered the part where the graffiti artist sprays ‘Lq’ on the wall.

@Gatsie It took me a few years to find that video as well.
@samuel_the_leader This one is my favorite, POA’s always seemed too strange to me lol

When is their first single expected by?

What single? They’re not even in the studio yet. Long road ahead till we get new music.

They’re definitely in the studio if it’s one year from release.

They’re not. Rob said so in his LPU chat. They’re going back in in September. Besides, when have they ever stuck to their initial comments? Mike said next year but he was just speculating.

Yup they’re still touring (Europe and then China). And if we can’t trust Mike in the Fort Minor thing how do we expect an LP album every 18-24 months?