7th studio album announced

OMG that’s bunny island!

i can’t wait for the next album, will be amazing…!!

I wonder what LPU XV will be this year.

I’m sure it has something to do with #HybridTheory15.

LPU XV thread here: LPU XV - What do you expect/want to see

Also, @samuel_the_leader XVLP has nothing to do with the Underground. It’s just their way of celebrating 15 years of Hybrid Theory.

You’ve got to be kidding, I don’t have access to the topic.

I meant 6-8 months later than it was originally going to come out. We don’t know exactly when they decided to start over from scretch and trash the songs they already were working on but it was probably between September and November 2013. Because they started working on a 6th album in May 2013( or atleast they confirmed it then) They have had allot of free time this year in between tours. They have probably written a whole lot of stuff through out the year and are maybe in recording already. Mike said in an interview that they aim for early 2016 (January-April) and then in a second interview he said next year sometime. I really hope that they will release 3 more albums in this decade. the double of the last decade. like: Early 2016–Late 2017–Mid 2019 etc… :smile: .

They released 4 albums last decade. Only 2 so far this decade. Yeah, you’re not getting double lol. 5 at most.

No way for late 2017.

LP7 will be out mid 2016. June, as always.
LP8 won’t be out in 2017, they need to tour some for LP7 and record LP8. So LP8 is gonna be out mid-2018, if they will be still going this way of releasing albums every two years.
Another interesting fact is that their contract with WB before MTM was for 5 albums. MTM, ATS, LT, THP are 4, so LP7 will be the fifth one. What they’ll do after the end of their contract? Another contract with WB? Maybe they’ll leave them?

Actually, their initial contrack was for 6 studio albums (completed with THP) and after that they renewed their contracts but the details haven’t been released yet (I hightly doubt the will judging by the previous one).

Before MTM, in 2005/2006 they had some troubles with WB and they ended up with new contract for next 5 albums and something around 15.000.000$ for MtM

Yeah, they didn’t follow that up. Warren had posted about it around the release of Living Things and said the original contract was the one they were sticking with and that they’d renew after the 6th album was made.

They released three albums last decade: HT 2000–Meteora 2003—MTM 2007. And they have released three albums in the first half of the 2010’s. LT was released 21 months after ATS. THP was released 24 months after LT( it would’ve been released much earlier if they hadn’t started from scratch sometime in late 2013 to work on something different than what they were working on) In an interview, Mike said that they aim for early 2016, which means January-April. If this album comes out 2 years after THP, it does not mean that the albums after that also comes out every two years. it might come out in under two years and it might come out later than two years. There will most certainly be two more albums this decade but it would be cool and it is possible that they will release three. Early 2016–Late 2017—Mid 2019. Mid 2016—Early 2018—Late 2019. etc…

Henrik you’re mostly correct aside from the last part. LP7 will be coming out Q3 2016, not early 2016. Expect an one more album this decade after that: LP8.

What do you think they probably got signed for? Another 3 to be safe on WB’s part?

They say they want to make albums every 18 months but I’m not sure if they’ll stick to that. You can’t just put a deadline like that, depends on each record and how fast the process is moving. For all we know, the new album could be their last or we could get another big break before the 8th album.

@Tenkaichi I honestly don’t know. I was surprised they even renewed since they had all these issues with them, at least they do their own managing now.

What were the issues about? WB wanted to manage their sound direction?

300th post!!!

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I don’t know for sure. They’ve mentioned stuff the label wanted them to do from very early on but nothing was mentioned after HT was released about it. They just said they had issues and indifferences or whatever.

The sound was definitely a reason, I think so yeah. I mean, especially with ATS. I’m almost convinced Chester was talking about them in the meeting of ATS.