Yes or No v.?

nope, thanx God :)))))
do you like Mondays?


Do you wish that it was snowing right now?

Not yet

Have you ever punched a hole through a wall?

Nope, I’m not strong enough…

Have you ever broke someone’s nose? hahaha violent moment

No lol

Are you excited for tomorrow?

Yes? lol.

um…idk…Do you know the muffin man? [confused]

Yeah, we went to school together. Pretty chill guy.

Are you buying/pre-ordering an iPhone 5 today?


Does the leprechaun tell you to burn things?

Yes, all the time

Have you ever found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

Nope, but I wish I have… Hahahahaa

Are you a fan of Mickey Mouse?

When I was a kid lol

Do you want it to snow?

Nah in spring that would just be weird lol

Do you like thunderstorms?


Do you like it when it rains?

Yeah, 'cuz I like dancing and singing in the rain! LOL

Do you play volley?

Well I play volleyball in Gym class lol

Are you currently outside?


Did you ever make forts as a kid? lol

Yes! Blankets + chairs = endless hours of fun.

Have you ever been skydiving before?

[quote=Holden]Yes! Blankets + chairs = endless hours of fun.

Have you ever been skydiving before?[/quote]

yes!! I used to use my dinner table too. lol.

No, I don’t know if I could ever try it either. >_>

Did you watch Rugrats as a kid? haha

Yes, here they are called “Os Anjinhos” lol

Do you use ur fav lp song in wake up alarm?

Yes, of course, it’s the only way to wake up properly ! lol

Do you eat ice cream in winter ?