Yes or No v.?

Hm… More or less…

Would you date someone famous?

Of course! xD
Chester, Mike, all Linkin Park members, Elijah Wood and more. xD

Have you ever had a blind date?


If you were given the opportunity to go back to any point in time of your life, would you?

Yes. The Summit = )

Are you currently watching a NFL football game on TV?


Do you drink coffee?


Do own more than 3 computers?

No, but there are 3 computers in my house. lol.

Do you know how to whistle?


Do you like reading books?

Yes…just not books for school. xP lol

Do you own a pet?

yes, 1 dog.

do you have any tattoos?

No. I want one really bad though. 2 actually. Looking to get the LP stencil logo from Meteora soon and also the Hybrid Theory soldier one day.

Are you currently listening to music?

Yep [cool] Relient K covering Weezer’s ‘Surf Wax America’

Is your room clean?

Kinda haha

Have you ever been to Alaska?

lol Never.

Do you want to get married someday (or if you are married, are you happy)?

Yes, and I want to have a lot of children as well :slight_smile: hahaha

Are you in your home right now?

[quote=Pricamolesi]Yes, and I want to have a lot of children as well :slight_smile: hahaha

Are you in your home right now?[/quote]

me too. lol.

and yes, I am.

Have you eaten dinner yet? x3

Kind of. I’m at work, I ate during my last break

Is there anyone you want to punch really hard in the face right now?

lmao, not at the moment no.

Can you believe it’ll be the holiday season soon?

No way. Time flies!

Are you about to fall asleep?

Yes it does fly by fast.

No, I wish I could fall asleep right now. lmao.

Do you get insomnia a lot?