Yes or No v.?

Don’t really eat ice cream in general so no lol

Is the weather nice outside where you are?

It’s great :D, I live in Iceland (YAY)

Is linkin Park your number 1 favourite band?

Yes = )

Are you currently listening to music?

No! Not right now.

Is “Living Things” your favorite LP album?

Idk that’s a tough one. I really do love it a lot. Its right up there tied with Meteora and Hybrid Theory for me.

Did you like buying music from iTunes?

I agree with you Holden. :smiley: Living Things and Meteora are my top fav LP albums.

Yes, it’s certainly easier, but I also like the feeling of having the actual hardcopy in my hand so…

Do you get an adrenaline rush when you hear LP on the radio randomly? [I know I do, I spaz like a moron haha.]

Yes, Yesterday w/ Burn It Down.

When you sing the Mike’s parts in the songs u move ur hands like him?

If I get really into it then yes lol

Are you currently listening to a LP song?

Yes [“Lost in the Echo” :D]

Are you happy with your life so far?

Yeah! I’m only 16 but so far I’m really happy :slight_smile: haha

Would you give Chester a hug? (I would!!!)

I’d want to give Rob or Mike my hug, so I’ll say no to that. lol.

Do you have any piercings?

No = ( I want one though.

Do you have a tattoo?

No, but if I do get one it would be something small and where I can’t see it. lol.

Do you know how to rollerblade and/or ride a bike?

I know how to ride a bike lol

Do you skateboard?

Nopeeeee! Brazilian here! No snow for us, hahahaha

Do you like vanilla ice cream???

LOVE vanilla ice cream. :smiley:

Have you been to the movies in the last 3 months?

Nope. Privacy FTW! LOL

Do you enjoy hiking in the woods/forests?

I’ve never did that but I think I would enyoy it if I’m not alone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you go to see 3D movies many times in a month?


Have you tweeted within the past 30 minutes?

I’m twitter addicted so… Yeah!

Do you have any virtual friends?