Yes or No v.?


Is Mike’s singing good? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

is live better than death?

I’m not sure if anyone really truly knows the answer to that, also you still need to answer this:

Oh sorry I thought this is a retorical question, answering itself, but ok,

Yes (in my eyes he is and even if the high “c” isn´t really his force, all the other notes are)

serious or curios

A little of both

Are you confused?


What makes you happy
beeing with or without ppl


Are you tired?

[ot in what way? physically not sure, it´s 11:25h I got up two hours ago @samuel_the_leader :relaxed:]

Explorer type of person?

Tired from yesterday?

Not really explorer

Do you always wonder “What should I eat?” for each meal?

No, I´m in (making lunch) today the part of the brave housewife and mother is cooking

but my dauther moans mostly anywhere, but right now I´m on making “Spätzle”

I mean, don’t you need to plan hard on what to cook/eat for dinner, tomorrow’s breakfast, lunch & dinner, etc. So that y’all won’t be bored of the food eaten week after week, month after month, year after year?

maybe bread in the morning, or miso soup, I can´t even stand the smell!

Your plans fixed for lunch dinner today?

Why? That means you can’t visit Japan, cuz it smells of Mike’s aunt’s cooking.

Not yet unfortunately

Help suggest something I haven’t eaten in the past month or two

ot Lasagne ai spinachi con gorgonzola sauce delicious made by me…

Yup I just went to eat spaghetti at the new place & expectedly it was horrible :cry:

You just failed, shit happends, cooking for yourself instead? on your own taste?

Ever have been so totally overfood, that you like to splash?

I can’t really cook, so no?

Wait, is this becoming another food thread?


With all this food talk, are you getting hungry?

Well, I eaten not too long ago.

What brand of spaghetti sauce do you use?

no food talk, Sir, please notice

so, what´s up guys, how are you doing today?