Would you rather...?

hi mister long ago that I met ya…
so you wanna be killed or be hitten?now choose…:laughing:

I’m already dying inside…

wyr die inside or wake up outside?

Wake up outside xD

[QUOTE=@The_early_walker]walk on land

wyr be able to kill with ya stare or be able to hit people with it?[/QUOTE]

Btw… U mean swim on land? XD

WYR drink bleach or wash the toilet with coffee?

Yup, wash unfinishable coffee down the toilet bowl so that won’t clog the sink.

WYR use hand soap as mouthwash, or toothpaste as shampoo?

Yes typo lol :+1::sunglasses:

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what kind of a sink do you have? Or what kind of coffee do you drink?

My mother always said not to allow rice down the sink, so yup, routine from such peculiarities. (Yes @The_early_walker, you and your paranoia-branding, if you’re reading and judging this.)

[quote=“the_termin8r, post:1, topic:11858, full:true”]
Boredom strikes again.
…reanimation this…
last was
soap as mouthwash or toothpast as shampoo?

I go for toothbrush as shampoo


use a poop and put it into the bedroom of ya best friend or poo yaself in the corner of his room

Da fuq kinda question is that?

choose l😁 with stomach direction…

As in, make yourself vomit?

not understanding this irritation? but meant was just pooping in a​:laughing:corner…to hatd stuff guys? look at it with a twinckle smile inya eyes at last :joy:

Do you actually expect any of us to answer this?

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yes I did…seems to not become true…

I’ll just have the unicorn take a poop in the corner.


Work for Buzzfeed without getting paid for it


Get paid to wipe a unicorn’s butt after pooping rainbows

Wiping Unis …

Eat a pound Vanilla icecream or Drink a Liter Banana - choclat Smoothie in One

Vanilla Ice cream



Actually this question has been asked before, that’s why the thread ended up killed.

Nacked in Antarktis

Overfeed yaself Till ya burst or Hunger Till You die?