Where is the soldier, you are missed! Trollololi Trollolola

I was so happy to read this!!! :partying_face:

You gave me a really strange experience today.
I never listened to a LP song more then twice after another.
Anyway I have just a few songs I listen for a longer period after another.
So never like today.
I started a 9:10 with a line in the send on repeat. Just one earphone in, cause I had to order dogs and listen after lost lambs. But I listened for four hours.
Later I drove to the next farm and had a line in the send on full blast.
At six from one moment to another I thought, now is enough.
But couldn’t listen to any other music afterwards.
And what should I say, before this song was one of the many I really like.
Now, I love this song!
Wow! It still hum in my had. In a so good way.
The other thing is of course, that I never will listen to it, without thinking of you. Good job! :joy:

Get better fast!
I am here if you ready to or in need to talk!


Yes the same here! And look what I just found! It’s a good sign (I just believe in it). Everything will turn out well! :revolving_hearts:


Sorry for not reacting much yesterday. I’m a bit confused and not so happy.
The surgery was partly a success but if the arteries will be closing again in the next year, a third operation will not be possible anymore.
There were more problems than last time, a vein even broke (luckily not the artery)…
If it all happens again, they will have to open me up in the belly and try to fix things in an other way… Great thing to look forward too…
So the timebomb keeps ticking…
Well. I guess there’s always the other solution.


Oh, dear!
Struggling with words here.
You are strong minded.
Fight the demons in your mind!
If ever such a decision is necessary to make for your self, it should be, cause you know exactly that it is the time know.
Not out of fear and thought constructs.
Hey! You got through this!
You are here, talking with us!
To be happy about that (I am for sure) and looking forward to be better, do things again, be alive.
Doing this changes nothing at the future, maybe. But it makes the now great!
Big hug for you! :hugs:


Keyword bro… IF
I know it’s hard to hang your hope on that little word but all that life needs to thrive is that little ray of sunlight, of hope
Let’s all hope together that the if isn’t needed and that this will help as intended…

Where there’s a will, there’s a way :muscle:t3:
And we’re going to will you into having the strength to push through :muscle:t3::triumph::hugs:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: pray? :thinking: ask @the_termin8r how he became an android and make you a more awesome version of him? :thinking: we can brainstorm along the way, for now you have to recuperate and start looking forward to what this means for the opportunity for you to make more memories with your loved ones, with us here, and for more planning goals for when things are good as we know they will be :muscle:t3::sunglasses::slightly_smiling_face:


Agreed with @framos1792 !

:point_up: @Fravaco don’t loose your temper and faith! :muscle: let’s all see where this will lead us to, together! :heart: :heart:


@framos1792 words are better.
Take his!


Ooiiiii :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
There’s no better :grin: there’s just more people supporting him :muscle:t3::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m sure there won’t be space for another way. I bet the operation will be a permanent success :wink: glad you are okay :cherry_blossom:

Me? Mate, @Fravaco is hardcore, could you imagine me in his situation? I’d be bitching out like God knows what. Either that or I’d be a complete wreck.


And you really don’t realise how good you are with words?.


give me a minute… i am facepalming for 5 minutes…
My best friend and best man has been hit with the same syndrome and it is supposed to be a 1/100.000 case.
Not sure i have met 99.998 people before I meet… yet another “brother” with it.

How long ago did it strike my friend?
i was struggling to understand what it was you’re suffering from with all the weird symptoms.

For those who never heard of it before, Guillen Barret is a syndrome where some bacteria disguises itself as the code of your nervous system, triggering an alarm on your auto immune system which identifies your own nervous system as the enemy and attacks it at full scale.

Have you been going on with plasmapheresis? (changing plasma often)

Maybe the reason for this coincidence is to tell you my friend’s story.
He met his beautiful wife in the hospital who stayed with him through the whole deal of 2 years in hospital and then out of them, and one week ago (15 years after the start of the syndrome) they baptized their second child.

My friend was a real crazy individual… it’d be hard to get him to settle…
sometimes bad things happen for good reasons.

He has a full time job in the public sector and he even receives compensation for the 30% disability he has been left with from this whole story.
He walks, rides dirtbikes, carries stuff, rides a bicycle but ok, maybe he can’t run as he used to!
his balance is affected but that’s maybe because he has chopped off his big toe with a moped bike.
(wild boy i tell ya…) (some stuff on his craziness on video “YZ125-1999 signs of REM”)
Add to the above… a beautiful growing, thriving family i’m not sure he would otherwise…

I will go back now and read what i’ve missed about your situation dear @Fravaco
my apologies for not catching this earlier.
my only excuse is that i’ve been crazily busy lately…

One more point that i think i should make

(agreeing with @framos1792 but i need to clear something out about it)

There is no timebomb… we’re here for reasons and we’ll be here till they happen.
If you are to go there’s no saving.
But if you are under a condition… maybe it’s here to teach you or others something about themselves
(if providence does exist and there’s no “randomness” in what’s happening)

I too used to think wishes and wrong prayers always helped,
all until 2005 where i entered my shower in my home the US while this friend of mine was getting into his (8 hr difference) and in that shower i wished for something to happen to his life that will change it to the best of its possible outcomes.
What makes this funny is, my friend never exited his shower standing as he got hit by the disease right at that time.

You too might be inside someone’s wish!
All you (we) need to do is pray the right way.
“May the will of He who has created me and everything i see, be done, even if i don’t like it!”
Understanding this is a process we need to start at some point and make it a mentality because it transforms ones life!

it’s what i call “your shield”
have no will that overcomes His even if life is involved.
even if you do that, don’t do it for your benefit!

We do what men can and we leave the rest to His plans for us and the life of our soul not this body!
The benefit we see today, knowing only how to live and not how to be dead
has a high chance of being slightly worse than the will of the One who knows everything He’s built around here!
i rely on my own ignorance on how to make a universe or mitochondria or butterflies,
in order to suspect the above statement.

I don’t want to drag this longer…
i hope my weird views and long texts add a small tattoo on your already :muscle::muscle: soul!

ok i shush now!



I’m just stating the blatantly obvious. lol

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What a perfect title change!



And how many can do that.

I don’t think so, makes this place sound like a digital prison full of insane cultists. :joy:

Everyone can, it’s whether you choose to or not.


I’ll try to explain… It’s a complex situation.
I got my GBS in 2006. Here in Belgium they don’t take the disease serious enough because of the many variations of it. I know people who were fully cured, without any leftover symptons, in 6 months but I also know 1 person who is fully paralyzed for the rest of his life and 1 that died of it.
Until 2016 my situation was “livable”. Although I can’t do what your friend can. Working is out of the question, I can walk but only for a limited time, stairs are a hell, I can’t sleep for more than 3 to 4 hrs max in a row, without medication at night my legs are shaking etc… It’s a long list and it took a couple of years but I managed to live with it.
But in 2016, I started to have very heavy belly aches for weeks in a row (at the end it didn’t stop at all anymore)… It took 2 years, 3 hospitals, 7 specialists and a shitload of examinations to finally find what was wrong. And that was just in time, because the specialist gave me only 3 months (to live) anymore at that point.
What had happened was that the nerves around my arteries were causing spasms to the arteries and that in turn caused the arteries around my intestines to be blocked for 90%.
So in october last year I got a first operation that should have done the trick… In normal circumstances! Meaning, for people who have just narrowed arteries. But my case isn’t normal because the GBS keeps causing my nervs to cause the spams… So in less than 6 months time, right after the Shinoda concert in Luxembourg, the mess started again. After examination, it turned out that the same places were affected again. So yesterday’s surgery happened. But after seeing the specialist this morning, all my hope melted away when he said that it will (!) happen again. And then this operation will not be possible anymore; a bigger, even more serious procedure will be neccesary… Meanwhile, also a main arterie to my heart and one in my upper leg are also affected, although not yet in such a serious way.
I call it a timebomb because sooner or later one of those arteries will cause an infarct…
And then I haven’t told you guys about the scarf tissue they discovered in my brains. Another thing to be examined but I’m not ready yet to let that happen. I don’t think my mind could handle any more bad news right now…
So, my body is and probably will be at war with itself for de rest of my days…
I’m just waiting for the next attack to happen…

But hey, I bought myself 2 new caps and a new shirt in the LP shop last night. So I can’t go before those are worn out :grin:


And here I am finding myself the greatest whiner ever :roll_eyes::joy:


It was me who changed it!

  1. I’m not good at comforting and encouraging people. Neither at writing long text.
  2. But wanted to show some support
  3. Didn’t like the previous title so I wanted to change it for something more optimistic (but not completely as it should be still recogisable).

By the way, don’t you sometimes feel here as if you were in a kind of church where Mike and (even more) Chester are gods? Metaphisical signs from Chester and his miracles and so on? (Saying this with all my respect to Mike, Chester and the people who experience this metaphisics).


Hey! When ever is whining ok, when not in an fucking hospital bad with your story!

Sorry! Would love to give more compassionate words.
But it’s sounds so fucked up, I only have humour left.

Huge di hug :hugs:

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