Where is the soldier, you are missed! Trollololi Trollolola

Oh boys, our annual once a year meet up and you want to talk about your illnesses :flushed:
Old men :roll_eyes:
I mean the batmouse :expressionless:


Just kidding

Not the batmouse part :stuck_out_tongue:

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Passing time for your answer :grin:

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Nope… I just had one last august… and there’s still a big and dangerous one supposed to happen but I kinda am holding it off. Anyway, now, with the second covid wave slashing its way through belgium, all surgeries not covid related are suspended. Only the very urgent will be done… So I have time…
And since I’m a high risk patient for covid, I’ve been isolating myself more and more from the world…


I need guidance lol

I guess that’s twice the same… annual is once a year, no?

OK, let’s do some Anna-bashing then :rofl:

She’s been cranky throughout your absence :roll_eyes:

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Shit… I truly don’t know how you do it so much respect brother :fist:

No reason for things to stop turning out alright :grin:

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Wonder why? :expressionless:

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Again, guys

So easy to tear up

Now you’re emotional :face_with_monocle:

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Meeeee? Never :lying_face:

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It must be hard to not being able to control that one black sheep :grin:

a whiskey an a ‘good’ cigar can do wonders :laughing:
But seriously, I don’t. I just go from day to day, each day being the same as the last… I’m kinda just always waiting for my life to restart. Honestly, if I should die today, there would be exactly 3 people at my funeral. Not that I’m planning to die yet, but just to give you an idea… It sometimes gets very lonely.

But I’m not here to complain… How are you guys doing?


Doesn’t matter anyway, it’s not allowed to have more people at a funeral

Actually no interest in controlling anyone besides real sheep.
Ok, ok, looking for missing ones, that I do

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I’d be afraid of her control if I were you lol

:triumph: hopefully it’s far out enough that I can be there too :triumph: whether as a ghost or a human :rofl:

Been sick for a month and it’s driving me up a wall :sweat_smile:
Days just mesh together and just trying to get to the next lol


yay!!! :joy:

I’ve been through worse stuff

yep, I know how that is…

When a bat gets disorientated, it flies against walls, check your radar :wink:


Ok, on a serious note

Just nursed my grandma in her last days and buried her last week.
On the way back home, my daughter finally opend up and confronted me with some hard tuthes…
Had postponed my stationary therapy for January and try to sort through things. :grimacing:

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Oh, I’m so sorry… :heart:

so… nothing new then, we’re all still proud “losers” :rofl:


Lmao :joy: :rofl:
The best

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@Fravaco maybe you like it, @IronSoldier16 wrote it for me, the night my grandma passed.

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