Where is the soldier, you are missed! Trollololi Trollolola

See, everyone turns silent when we get serious :triumph:

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Hey guys, you got any other means of staying in contact. in case the forum (or I) dissappears ???

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No … everyone turns silent when YOU get serious… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Still WhatsApp

Just today, I paused my insta and fb :partying_face: :partying_face:

Nothing new there :rofl:


Got no whatsapp, no insta and I hardly visit my fb anymore, of any other social media … and not planning on using them again also. Sooo… any other means? @framos1792, any ideas?

welcome back again, man. Nice to see you here :smile:


we all are :upside_down_face:
except Rob, that machine has no soul :thinking:


Email or @acemasters’ other forum :thinking:


thanks :grinning:

@acemasters created a forum for us some time ago. He can give you more details. Also he has a thread about it here on the forum. I don’t remember its name :sweat_smile:

Just in case… here’s my email if anyone’s interested… fravaco@protonmail.com

found it… It’s not used that often I see…
I had a similar idea… maybe create a chat page or something like that. Just something simple but private…


Wow, you are brave :sunglasses: :crazy_face: :rofl:

I’ll save the email.

good idea. Any page you know?

Jordan created a forum members only room on his discord LPU forum. But it’s also not used

I don’t use discord too often :grimacing: only for voice callings with my brother.

I don’t use it at all :grin:

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why? It’s just an email address… I have others for the more official stuff… and I have a good spam filter, namely me :wink: @the_termin8r is not the only one with computer skillz… I just don’t brag about them :joy: :joy:

I thought of creating one myself and just put it on my webspace…


Joking :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m off now… It’s 03h25 and still have some ironing to do, of all things :crazy_face:


It’d be good, if it’s not possible to use Ace’s one


One hug for you :hugs:
Nice meeting up again :grin:

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