Unforgettable Persons

RIP Chadwick Boseman


Chadwick Boseman :cry::broken_heart:. Rest in peace King.





In all seriousness…


Remember classes stopping, walking out single file as a kid, getting home and seeing footage replayed over and over…

Just never forget :pray:t2:


RIP RBG :weary:

Heavens save us from what’s coming…
May her legacy be enough to put a hold on nominations :sleepy:


My grandmother
O7/19/1928 - 09/27/2020




Tonight I’ll see the stars
I’ll be looking for you
And when I find yours
I’ll send a huge hug to the sky.

I feel alone, it’s true
But I know it’s not forever.
The moment has come and it hurts like hell
And that’s ok,
We can always remember
That love is stronger than loneliness.

Let me feel better at my own step, don’t push me.
Let me know you’re still here,
anytime I want to cry, accompany me, please.

The sky has an angel
I have her memory
The loneliness won’t last forever
My friends are here, they always are
Maybe they are a bit dorks
But those dorks are mine

Tonight I might cry, but in the end
I’ll be happy for what I did.
She knows how much I love her
and all I did for her was just my duty, a one I did with love.

by @IronSoldier16

Thank you for being with me @Lilyope @Honey8 @lpfan61 @agusdbianco @IronSoldier16 @framos1792

Thank you LPU family :hugs: :green_heart:

Sitting on her bedside. She gets taken later. For me, it’s a good thing to do, it’s realising, she is really gone. Still forever in my heart.


I’m so sorry for your loss :frowning_face: stay strong :hugs:

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Thank you :hugs: :green_heart:

My deepest condolences :frowning:
Stay strong, my friend! @anna834

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Thank you :hugs: :hugs:


She spent her last days among the people who loved her. Instead of being one of anonimous patients in this care institution. And it was you who had a good feeling to make it happen on time.
She will live in your heart.

(I’ve suspected something when you was so silent last Sunday and tomorrow put just a single song instead of a long post as usually)


Thank you my dear sister not just by name :hugs: :green_heart:

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I don’t know where to begin and hopefully I can found some ‘right’ words:
I’m so sorry for your loss and my deepest condolences :sob: :pleading_face: :worried: :disappointed_relieved: Sitting here and don’t know why, but got some tears too (one of my grandma’s isn’t much older) and bc of that lovely words and these pictures. She had a beautiful life through years (when I look at the pictures) and spended the last days with the people, who loved here and not in that anonymus patiens retirement houses. She’ll live forerver in your memories. Still got the highest respect for that, what you did. Feel hugged my dear :heart: :pray:t2:

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Thank you Tim, my front row buddy :metal: :green_heart:
All the best to your grandma :hugs:

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The pictures of you and her are wonderful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I especially love the last one, you and her laughing :grin: this pic is pure love it touches my heart :heart:

You did wonderful :hugs::hugs::heart::heart: The pic shows how happy she was To accompany her on her last way is just the biggest favor you could do to her! I’m really touched and I hug you tightly :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: stay strong my dear Anna :heart::kissing_heart:

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Sending you much love @anna834 :heart:
Agreed with @theearlywalker , the pics are beautiful and touching :heart:


@theearlywalker :woman_genie: could be Navi :laughing: :crazy_face: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs: thank you my dear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And you @lpfan61 :crown: :sunflower: Thanks again :upside_down_face: :hugs: :sparkling_heart: :hugs:

Oh, I seem better :joy: but mostly over the edges, family can be :grimacing: but :zipper_mouth_face: :woozy_face: not now :laughing:

I see, I should have used another topic for this :thinking: too late :crazy_face:

20 emojis, dev chick here :laughing:



Same here.

I can see it too :slight_smile:


A real and emotional photo.


Ik I’ve been to late to be here lol
But yes, remember you are strong… your sweet beautiful grandma ( aw she looks so nice! :pleading_face:) Will be there in sky. She has become star now… she’ll watch down to you and see you everyday. She must be saying even now “it’s ok Anna I’ll be here for you forever in your memories”
:hugs::hugs: Sending lots lf strength to you! :heart::yellow_heart: Deep condolences for pure soul…


My deepest condolences. The pictures of both of you are so beautiful, you can truly see and feel the love between both of you and that’s wonderful. :heart::heart::heart:
And the love will always live on! :hugs::hugs::hugs: