Where is the soldier, you are missed! Trollololi Trollolola

I’d be afraid of her control if I were you lol

:triumph: hopefully it’s far out enough that I can be there too :triumph: whether as a ghost or a human :rofl:

Been sick for a month and it’s driving me up a wall :sweat_smile:
Days just mesh together and just trying to get to the next lol


yay!!! :joy:

I’ve been through worse stuff

yep, I know how that is…

When a bat gets disorientated, it flies against walls, check your radar :wink:


Ok, on a serious note

Just nursed my grandma in her last days and buried her last week.
On the way back home, my daughter finally opend up and confronted me with some hard tuthes…
Had postponed my stationary therapy for January and try to sort through things. :grimacing:

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Oh, I’m so sorry… :heart:

so… nothing new then, we’re all still proud “losers” :rofl:


Lmao :joy: :rofl:
The best

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@Fravaco maybe you like it, @IronSoldier16 wrote it for me, the night my grandma passed.

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See, everyone turns silent when we get serious :triumph:

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Hey guys, you got any other means of staying in contact. in case the forum (or I) dissappears ???

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No … everyone turns silent when YOU get serious… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Still WhatsApp

Just today, I paused my insta and fb :partying_face: :partying_face:

Nothing new there :rofl:


Got no whatsapp, no insta and I hardly visit my fb anymore, of any other social media … and not planning on using them again also. Sooo… any other means? @framos1792, any ideas?

welcome back again, man. Nice to see you here :smile:


we all are :upside_down_face:
except Rob, that machine has no soul :thinking:


Email or @acemasters’ other forum :thinking:


thanks :grinning:

@acemasters created a forum for us some time ago. He can give you more details. Also he has a thread about it here on the forum. I don’t remember its name :sweat_smile:

Just in case… here’s my email if anyone’s interested… fravaco@protonmail.com

found it… It’s not used that often I see…
I had a similar idea… maybe create a chat page or something like that. Just something simple but private…


Wow, you are brave :sunglasses: :crazy_face: :rofl:

I’ll save the email.

good idea. Any page you know?

Jordan created a forum members only room on his discord LPU forum. But it’s also not used

I don’t use discord too often :grimacing: only for voice callings with my brother.