When and where?

He’s actually very good, and quite smart! He doesn’t scratch on anything except his scratching post. Even at the groomers he never scratched anyone even though he hates water.

I never had a cat before so I always thought they scratch everything and everyone

Some cats are very obedient. There’s a cat in my neighbourhood and it behaves itself, even though I troll it :stuck_out_tongue:

Most people I know who have cats end up with scratched arms, so this was a pleasant fact that I learnt with him!

I remember getting my cheek scratched as a kid.

Yeah see, those are the stories I’m used to! Must have been awful!

I can’t remember much. I was about 2 and the cat belonged to a friend of my family as far as I know.

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Street art from a famous artist that tends to draw on buildings around town.

too much cuteness!!

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Pretty awesome cloud this morning to

One more, on my way home from uni (not a good beach, but I liked how the photo turned out, minus the reflection from the window)


My game rage finally got the best of me. I got so angry today that I snapped… in more then one way :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s even funnier when you find out that I sold the game and then bought it again (because of our new TV). This time I got so pissed that I snapped it with my bare hands. The look of surprise on my sister’s face was priceless. According to her I looked completely calm and I just casually walked over to my ps3 and broke the disc :laughing:


Is that a car tail light or something?

Cake of the Day

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View from the Acropolis Museum
(Ι’m very proud of this first photo, I think it’s beautiful. And it’s not edited or anything)

I took these yesterday:

Today the weather is awesome!! It’s raining and it’s only 27C :smiley:

only?! <asdfghjk

Yeah… that’s early spring temp. Summer is 35+, I’m glad we get a few days with low temp.

It’s hot over here too today. Today we were in a bunch of stuffy rooms in college that were ridiculously unpleasant and then we finally got to a room with AC (which is a total miracle in my college) only for the teacher to say it was too cold. So she turned it off and we all roasted, in a small room with 15 people and about 20 running computers. It was 15 v 1 and she still didn’t take us into account.

We had that happen in my uni too, hated it.