When and where?

yeah, I see, but won´t accept it at last @evooba
@the_termin8r1…so the assignment goes like :thumbsup: :thumbsdown: ???

Not sure. I gave it in today. I have a feeling I messed up one of the questions because my teacher gave really awkward numbers (I think he didn’t notice). So I think I messed up there. If I did I’m allowed 1 retry.

No matter, what’s around. It’s up to you how you feel. Make your own wave. When I see the crap around I say “duck that! I got more important concerns to bother”. “Stay true!”(c)

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that is how it goes…

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Maybe I would if I lived elsewhere, but for now, I don’t.

Stay strong out there! I know, it’s hard. I also see this around, living in a country with the average salary about 150$/mounth and in a war. Just stay calm. You gonna cope!


A few minutes ago


howbeautiful our nature is…thanx for sharing :ok_hand:
@Jabin_Quaken thanx Buddie :thinking:

I thought the colors were spectacular… like a painting, yet natural.

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2 days ago. Kinda looks like the Black Sea with Russia.

We share the same sky.

not only :stuck_out_tongue::hugging::kissing_closed_eyes::sunglasses:

Photo from about a month ago

Homemade Lasagne before Cooking

Made with lots of love, of course.

Where is the sun?

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I should eat now.

it´ll be a pleasure to invite ya for lunch, but [t] you´re too far away…

No need to delete your post about cutting your finger, my mother is sometimes this clumsy.

thanx for combining me again it´sa pleasure, cause kinda ourmothrs same …