When and where?

Oh yea, so I really don’t know what’s the theme of this thread, but I found something that was really cool.

Still not home but here’s my love enjoying te hot weather this morning

@intheend Time travel?


Didn’t know you had a dog @EvoOba

I don’t, he is my aunt’s but love him.

Take him D;

I wish. I live in an apartment, not a house so it’s impossible to have a pet.

Evil apartment people… Get one in secret >:3

I’d never do that to an animal. They deserve to be out in the wild, have space to run, not closed up in an apartment with a balcony for a “garden”.

What if you get a pet hamster or worm? So you won’t be lonely :3

My parents would freak :stuck_out_tongue:

But…don’t you love by yourself? :3

Sure, and my parents do too, but I can’t do whatever I feel like without taking them into consideration. It wouldn’t be wise of me to get any pet at this point anyways. Maybe in a few years when and if I’m settled at my own place for good.

Ok ;-;

@EvoOba What type of pet would you prefer, assuming you had a house with a garden and stuff?

Dogs, cats, lizards, turtles… anything really.

A few minutes ago, no edit or whatever.


wow, :eyes:

Yesterday afternoon.

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The Sprite bottle that won’t close - from a few nights back.

how long did ya tried it at least…lol :smile::joy::relaxed: