When and where?

Nice gesture to give roses to all the ladies today, very thoughtful of tr people at the place we went to.

Hey! Did you celebrate 8-th?

I finally finished that car and I’m quite proud of it :grinning:

Now I just have to buy the electric parts so that I don’t have to do anything manually.

The engine bay (the pistons actually move) and you can see a bit of the differential in the top right (the beige and grey gears)

This is the mechanism for opening the engine bay and doors. The red L shaped lever is the selector which moves the dog clutch (the grey thing between the two red gears). When the dog clutch comes into contact with a gear it splines it to itself so the gear can rotate with the dog clutch (otherwise it won’t rotate when the shaft is turned- in the pic it’s in neutral so neither gear is splined).

This is exactly how manual transmission works in a real car except here it’s not transmission. These gears are connected to gears on the other side of the car

That’s the position to open the engine bay

That’s the position to open the doors

The gears on the other side of the car (to open and close the engine bay and doors you have to manually rotate the black one on the the outside of the green bit on the top of the pic).

The underbelly (you can see all the gears, the engine and the diff)

A close up of the diff

Also the car has working steering and suspension.


Looks awesome, great work!! (It kind of reminds me of a transformer car lol)

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I would cry, shout and get in hysteria, if I get a box of lil pieces to create sth out of it, how patiently you must be @the_termin8r1
edit @Jabin_Quaken womans day? the germans [me as half german one may say it without the smell of beeing radical] aren´t proud on their woman, so here is nothing with celebrating… but as ever: I celebrate MYSELF alone, but at least I partied…lol wish ya both a nice day…@coon:heart:

It’s easy if you have the instructions. This one took me about 6 hours which isn’t that long. I remember building my Star Destroyer as a kid for 3 days and then spending another two days on the rebuild after I stepped on it. A solid 30 hours probably went into that. And yet If you give it to me now, I’d crack it in a day.

Wow, again, it would kill me…but: humans are [god bless] different. Are you free today? me, I have to leave for work, or better, mornings routine, but it´s ok today, suns shining, so, have a nice day @the_termin8r1 cya ev :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got college today. I’m leaving in 6 mins.

so now, after 8 hrs, when&where @the_termin8r1?

At home in my bedroom. Current time 17:00

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About 10min ago at work

Darkness again.

(Uploading taking forever again…)

Same gloominess here. :frowning:

but here it is sunny but my mobiles times running out, not able to lightn the pics real right, send ya sm :sunny:

You wish…

Actually your rain per person is rather low.

sunny still sunny lol @samuel_the_leader

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(For some reason, it doesn’t let me upload panoramic photos and I always have to screenshot the originals. It also ruins the quality… not that bright in my camera)

Here comes the Sun. Five minutes ago.