When and where?

Darkness again.

(Uploading taking forever again…)

Same gloominess here. :frowning:

but here it is sunny but my mobiles times running out, not able to lightn the pics real right, send ya sm :sunny:

You wish…

Actually your rain per person is rather low.

sunny still sunny lol @samuel_the_leader

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(For some reason, it doesn’t let me upload panoramic photos and I always have to screenshot the originals. It also ruins the quality… not that bright in my camera)

Here comes the Sun. Five minutes ago.

wow all the grey colours are passes away, it seems to be golden today, ya city…lol @Jabin_Quaken Congrats…:grinning:

My room as of right now.

Ignore the duvet cover. It’s the one of the two that I have that are big enough to fit my duvet and the other is in the wash.

The world’s stupidest and most overly complex clutch ever. And it’s not even finished.

Today’s super stormy and cold here, kind of ruined the day. You can’t really tell in the photos but it was raining very hard when I took them

Nice pictures everyone! Those lego cars look awsome too.

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Took some time this weekend to enjoy the early spring signs and fresh nature with my camera.

That’s a nice coat

This photo has a Japanese vibe to me for some reason.

heh, the baltic sea with some japanese vibe :smile: @Gatsie thanks, i love that coat too.


@The_early_walker I guess your ‘ball’ is your snowglobe, hence it always snows.