What Toots Your Horn?

I just went into full beast mode in NOVA 3. I joined a 100 kill limit deathmatch lobby and the guy in first place was at 72 kills when I joined. He ended up winning and I came second. He got the 100 kills to win,but in the time he got his last 28 kills I went 98/8 :joy: I lost by 2 kills. But still, if he’d been even a minute slower or if I’d joined a minute earlier I would have won.

Lool! Great man. It reminds me I end up killing many in assassin’s creed. Just get on the street and get started! I used to play the game for that. Kinda taking out all my anger. It was the best way :laughing:

Papa Roach is AWESOME! Jacoby Shaddix is a real sweetheart with good energy and a positive vibe. I can’t believe it went by so fast! I want to go again!


I have cake and I love it.


I ordered 1 too bit i have zo wait another 2-3 weeks till its delivered

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Aww. It will be there soon! @zinler

What toots my horns rn? :thinking:

  • Oh yeah preparing for the fest.
  • forgetting about bad exam and bad day
  • started a new ballad

End a Sudoku (level: hard) in 5 minutes. I had never finished one in less of 30 minutes before.


Most of the times I give up!!! Well done smarty!!! :kissing_heart:

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Mental fatigue is worth it. Jaja

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Aye! I used to solve a loooot!! But not these days. Its fun!

What toots my horns?? :thinking::thinking:
Oh yeah. I’ve been regular with my creations and studies as well. All going as i planned but in the end of the day i am tired completing my goals… just dead! :joy:


Happy late anniversary I hope u had wonderful day . Everything looks so beautiful. :tada: I love the Horses

Thank you @hilaryfol :hugs:

Yay; I got a salary raise of 1%, which isn’t a lot but it’s still something. Tomorrow I have a day off and I can hopefully try to look for a new phone.


Wow thats nice! :smiley: Get a nice model for your new phone ! :wink::+1:

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:confetti_ball: the car is finally sold :love_you_gesture:t2:- that means :money_mouth_face::tada:


Today is my day off yea me

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Enjoy your day !!!

The title for this thread sounds weird. Especially because Jordy keeps sending me fart noises…

I just going to type ‘Noooooooooooooooooooooo!’. But I thought of something, I got something that made everyone jellybeans and it’s awesome.

Jellybeans/jellies = jeolous

I work for a secret organization called B.U.N., well in my line of work I was recent promoted (closer to world domination). We own a small storage store where people can donate and give back to our BY community. There I found the item I’m listening to now. Now I’m not a beats person but got it for only :carrot:50. A beats pill is normally 150 to whatever price in hooman beans dollars. So it’s sweet. It’s awesome. Just making people jellies one bean at a time.


(le coughie) in other news I have money for cyber Monday :B


Have a weekend off sleep in until i what to get up to make coffee and relax until i go out.